#097 – Prismatmy

#096 - Tulimy
#098 - Harpimy
Prismatmy, Monommy #097, a mom class elemental-type
Prismatmy, the “prismatic” Monommy

#088 – Prismatmy

Prismatmy, a mom class elemental-type Monommy whose body is made of sparkling crystal. While most members of Elemental-type make their homes all throughout Frewosz, Prismatmy prefers to stay close to home: the birthplace of Elemental-type, the Echo Caves. Large portions of its vast underground network of tunnels were mined out by this Monommy. She’s the number one source of precious gemstones and metals in the world. Quite the introvert, Prismatmy likes to literally bury herself in her work, often mining and polishing crystals for days at a time. Due to her crystalline body, shes one of the few Monommy who doesn’t need to eat. Instead, she’s able to use a modified form of photosynthmancy to generate magical energy from the light bouncing around inside of her prismatic body.

Ember's Profile Picture

I don’t like how twin Star is lumping in the chaos types as Monommy. There’s no way they’re real Monommy and I don’t like this narrative they’re painting that they’re all anomalous and therefore dangerous.

Od's Profile Picture

Unfortunately Twin Star is right about that, they are anomalous. They were a game. A tv show. Now they’re real and that means magic is too, and it’s at the same time as those other things starting to appear. Chaos types or otherwise, “Monommy” or “anomaly” it doesn’t matter what you call them, they’re anomalous. I know it’s easy to forget since we were fans and Monommy were always part of our lives in some form but.. They ARE supernatural, and to the government that means they’re anomalous.

Ember's Profile Picture

Bunpopmy is a person and isn’t threatening my or anyone else’s life. Just because she used to be fictional doesn’t mean she’s inherently dangerous just because she’s different. Cmon Od I know you share that sentiment.

Od's Profile Picture

Of course I do. I’m on team Monommy all the way, baby. I just think it’s important to consider every angle. And for the record, we don’t know what Clear Seed was planning, so maybe chaos types were planned for Monommy 2. It feels unlikely but they have to come from somewhere, right? Even Virusmy was made by someone.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Pisses me off that they’re calling Monommy anomalies. They don’t give you inside out disease. They’re just your friend. They’re cool >:(

Od's Profile Picture

The whole thing is really giving Monommy a bad name. Just the other day I had people throwing shit at me because I was giving Warpmy a piggyback ride in public. It’s awful, she doesn’t deserve it. None of them do.

Kane's Profile Picture

That’s awful.. Warpmy is a pretty human looking one too how do they even know

Od's Profile Picture

Doesn’t help that I stand out like a sore thumb with my voice being deep as the Mariana.. I’m used to harassment at least, but Warpmy isn’t. She teleported away when it happened and it took me forever to find her again, once her Drop stopped crying I was able to summon her but.. God, what an awful day that was.

Ember's Profile Picture

You don’t deserve harassment either, even if you’re used to it.

Od's Profile Picture



Hey mind if I interject?

Od's Profile Picture

Go ahead


I’m annoyed that I have to keep reading all these messages! It’s just human after human! Jk lol but seriously I’ve been working on something can you guys all hold your device’s screens out facing the floor?


Oh good Glenn’s is already on the floor. Not like that, Catherine, put your phone on the ground first! I don’t want to synthesize it and have it immediately smash on the ground XD

Okay opening physical cyber convergence fields now…

Virusmy's profile picture


Od's Profile Picture

Magic is fucked up I hate it it’s cool and I love it but I hate it how in God’s name did you just make hardware emerge out of software through an LCD screen

Virusmy's profile picture

Cyber magic, it’s easy. I just program it as if it were physical. You have to account for the code of every atom that gets generated but it’s not too bad. I eat most of my research online, I’m a fast eater. Learner. You know.

Kane's Profile Picture

She’s been working on that for a long time. Hope you guys like them!

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Finallyyyyy I don’t have to BEG Ember to relay for me thank you Virusmy! xoxo that’s kisses right? :3

Ember's Profile Picture

What have you done

Mienmy's profile picture

It’s very appreciated, Virusmy, thank you. Od, Ive been wondering for a while, is it possible for you or Warpmy to use your powers to get Catherine to see a therapist? She desperately needs it and she refuses to let me help her

Catherine's Profile Picture

… Thanks for that Virusmy… So. Cool…

Virusmy's profile picture

Does anyone have Glenn’s phone number? I see a child has picked up the chat pad I made for Toastmy… Oh that’s a big hairy hand now… I bet that’s Glenn!

Od's Profile Picture

I’m sure it’ll get to her eventually

Virusmy's profile picture

It’s programmed to only respond to Toastmy’s energy, so she’ll get it. That goes for all of your chat pads, actually!

Warpmy's profile picture

Not even Od can use it, we just tried..


Od's Profile Picture

This is a bit hectic but it’s good to have everyone here now

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Okay, all caught up reading that backlog! I agree, we have been getting a bad rep and thats super lame with what happened to you Warpmy

Warpmy's profile picture

Yeah… I just wish we could all get along.. Maybe we should prove that the chaos types aren’t Monommy? So they know we aren’t dangerous like them..

Mienmy's profile picture

They aren’t Monommy. We all remember Frewosz. We all know the nine types. Right?

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Of course. There couldn’t ever be a tenth. Even if our world did… Get a sequel… Weeeeird to think about

Warpmy's profile picture

I don’t like thinking we were fake…

Toastmy's profile picture

We aren’t fake. We’re real. We always have been, even if it was just as a dream before. Sometimes dreams create reality, you know. I think it’s lovely that each of us is a dream come true, don’t you agree?

Ember's Profile Picture


Toastmy's profile picture

hello! Glenn’s told me all about you and Od. You two make a cute couple from what I’ve heard

Od's Profile Picture

Uh.. Right. About that

Ember's Profile Picture

I wouldn’t take everything Glenn’s said at face value, he means well but he’s a bit.. Slow

Catherine's Profile Picture

Yeah he’s dumb

Mienmy's profile picture

Catherine hes just older and doesn’t understand. There’s things he knows that you don’t too

Catherine's Profile Picture

I love that I get the lectures here now too

Toastmy's profile picture

Glenn’s a very honest man, so I believe every word. And believe me, every word he’s had to share about this little group has been pleasant as a toasted marshmallow!

Ember's Profile Picture

I love that you’re just like the games this is amazing

Toastmy's profile picture

I’m pleased to hear I live up to the hype! Now then, the chaos type situation. They aren’t Monommy. I want all of you humans to know this: even the most ruthless and evil of Monommy pale in comparison to those things. They are not Monommy. Please don’t associate us with them.

Ember's Profile Picture

We don’t, Toastmy. We never could

Od's Profile Picture

I get what you’re saying but most humans need proof before they accept things.

Virusmy's profile picture

Could’ve fooled me based on what I’ve seen online…

Od's Profile Picture

I believe you Toastmy. But others might not. Do you know anything about the Monommy sequel?

Toastmy's profile picture

I didn’t even know our world was made up for a video game until last week, sweetheart. I just thought suddenly humans got a lot angrier.

Od's Profile Picture

We know that there’s Monommy after #080 in the guide, and that at least some of those new Monommy are in the real world now just like the original 80.  We’ve been operating under the assumption that anything after 080 was made by Clear Seed and intended to be in Monommy 2. Kane, the chaos types don’t have guide numbers right?

Kane's Profile Picture

Right. They just kind of wedge themselves inbetween :I

Virusmy's profile picture

Uh did you say the guide only went up to 80 in the game?

Od's Profile Picture

… Yes, why?

Virusmy's profile picture

According to Uplinkmy’s patch notes from her last update, the guide was expanded to 120… Uuh.. Here’s a Monommy thats been mentioned in the new entries that you Frewosz natives might know. Does the name CosmoKinmy ring a bell?

Mienmy's profile picture

Of course

Toastmy's profile picture


Warpmy's profile picture


Bunpopmy's profile picture

Grand Mom CosmoKinmy is the wielder of the heavens creation lance, of course we know who she is.

Ember's Profile Picture

Okay so

I’m literally the biggest fan of Monommy. I’ve 100%’d Uprising AND Downfall multiple times each. I’ve seen every episode of the cartoon. I hosted a podcast about Monommy every week for 3 years. I know everything there is to know about this franchise. Who. The fuck.

Is CosmoKinmy?

Kane's Profile Picture

Another grand? There’s more than 2?

Ember's Profile Picture

Well technically there were 3 in the lore…

Toastmy's profile picture

Darlings, there are five Grands.

Od's Profile Picture

If you all have memory of an unreleased Grand… then every real Monommy is from Monommy 2. You guys know lore from the second game! You actually know more about Frewosz than we do!

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Of course we do.

Warpmy's profile picture

We lived there

Catherine's Profile Picture

I know how we get proof chaos type isn’t real then

Ember's Profile Picture


Catherine's Profile Picture

We just need a Monommy who would have came out in M2

Kane's Profile Picture

How does that prove chaos type isn’t a real Monommy type

Catherine's Profile Picture

If we get an M2 Monommy drop, we can ask it about chaos type

Od's Profile Picture

Because there’s no reason they’d believe one of the original 80, because we already know Uprising and Downfall didn’t have chaos type, so of course they wouldn’t know about the sequel. Everybody thinks you guys are from Uprising and Downfall. But a new Monommy that HAS to be from the sequel not knowing about chaos type would prove Clear Seed never planned chaos to be a new type of Monommy!

Mienmy's profile picture

They would still see us as anomalies.. But at least we wouldn’t be lumped in with those.. Things

Virusmy's profile picture

It’s a good start!

Ember's Profile Picture

Ill check and see if any new Monomasters have pacted!

Od's Profile Picture

This is a really good step forward. Nice work Virusmy, you gotta show me some of that code sometime

Glenn's Profile Picture

Did I miss something fun?

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