#099 – Volcamy

#098 - Harpimy
#100 - Mummymy
Volcamy, Monommy #099, a mama class elemental-type
Volcamy, the ‘volcanic’ Monommy

#013 – Volcamy

Volcamy, a mama class elemental-type Monommy who forged her own body from parts of the planet’s core. Using a sophisticated form of geomancy, she’s capable of altering the state of matter of all forms of rock and earth. This geomancy is the selfsame magic that she used to forge herself new arms of molten lava after she lost them in the Energy-type civil war. Her eruptions are incredibly powerful and loud, but she’s capable of surprising her foes by using the soot and ash particles she produces to effectively make herself invisible. Volcamy shares a unique bond with the planet itself, and is capable of nurturing life by enriching the soil she walks upon.


Hey there

Od's Profile Picture


Ember's Profile Picture

Everybody this is Cole. He’s pacted with a new Monommy, so I added him here so the two of them can help us out


Hey, good to be here. What’s this group for exactly? You didn’t mention that.

Ember's Profile Picture

Oh it’s for… Well originally it was for trading drops and mingling but I guess we’ve sort of become a little team of Monomasters now

Virusmy's profile picture

Monommy too, don’t forget!

Here, let me get you a better pic…

Ember's Profile Picture

Right, our Monommy partners all have little devices they use to chat here too. Courtesy of Virusmy

Cole's Profile Picture

YOOOO is that another one from M2??

Kane's Profile Picture

Not exactly. She’s a new Monommy but she wasn’t made by Clear Seed

Cole's Profile Picture

Oh do you have people telling you she isn’t a real Monommy??

(Cyber type right? How else would you know that’s what I look like lol)

Kane's Profile Picture

Yeah, sometimes…

Cole's Profile Picture

Don’t let them give you that shit man. We’ve dealt with people like that too. She’s real, she’s pacted with you, she’s your friend and you’re bonded for life. Who cares if she wasn’t in the game!

Kane's Profile Picture

Yeah, I’m always saying that actually ^.^

Virusmy's profile picture

I doubt it sometimes myself

Bunpopmy's profile picture

You’ve got a lot of catching up to do lol

Od's Profile Picture

Hey, I’m Od. Warpmy is my partner.

Mienmy's profile picture

Hello Cole, I’m Mienmy. My human partner is Catherine but she’s sleeping at the moment.

Cole's Profile Picture

Oh man you guys got some good pacts what’s it’s like teleporting? When Catherine wakes up I wanna hear what shapeshifting is like too

Od's Profile Picture

It’s pretty great ngl. Lmk if you need anything, we’re constantly hopping in portals here

Bunpopmy's profile picture

I’m Ember’s pact partner. We Monommy are still new to this specific chatroom. I have a question for my fellow Monommy: do your human partners wince when you pick up your chat pad? Ember always does when I do

Ember's Profile Picture

You just know me better than most people and I’m always worried you’ll say something I don’t want them knowing…

Bunpopmy's profile picture

I would never do that!

Cole's Profile Picture

I’d have figured Ember’s partner would be Toastmy cause of her username

Ember's Profile Picture

Yeah well… Just because you have a favourite Monommy, doesn’t mean that when they became real you get pacted with them. Rozermy’s out there somewhere, I’m sure thousands will be forever sad they can’t be the real life Rayne lol

Od's Profile Picture

There’s another member here but he’s usually afk. His name is Glenn, he’s a bit older but he’s really sweet. His partner actually IS Toastmy, funnily enough

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Am I not your favourite???

Ember's Profile Picture

Well NOW you are now that you live with me you dink

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Nice :3

Catherine's Profile Picture

Alright what about you Cole? Leave us in suspense much

Also hi

Cole's Profile Picture

My Monommy’s name is Drazaleamy. She’s a nature type, and a badass. You’ll have to meet her sometime, she’s pretty damn cool

Virusmy's profile picture

I can make her a chatpad so she can talk here!

Cole's Profile Picture

That would be awesome, idk how well she’d use it though. She doesn’t talk much

Ember's Profile Picture

Huh. A Monommy that isn’t talkative. They do exist.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

I resent that remark :0

Ember's Profile Picture

yeah yeah

Cole's Profile Picture

So why were you looking for monomasters with new Monommy anyways?

Od's Profile Picture

We want to help do something to quell anti-Monommy sentiment, and we sort of have a plan for it. That, and we’ve been trying to figure out what chaos-type is and could use all the help we can get. Have you heard of chaos-type?

Cole's Profile Picture

Hell yeah, I’m all for that. Monommy becoming real was the best thing to ever happen. Like, ever. I don’t know chaos-type, is that a new type that’s coming in Monommy 2?

Catherine's Profile Picture

Monommy 2 was cancelled…

Ember's Profile Picture

We don’t know, but we’re pretty sure it isn’t. None of our Monommy seem to know what chaos-type is, and what we’ve heard of their memories of Frewosz suggests that they came from the version of Frewosz that would have been in Monommy 2.

Warpmy's profile picture

The humans were surprised when we told them about the five Grands.

Od's Profile Picture

I wasn’t surprised by that. I was the one who leaked Twin Star’s files on the Grands lol. What surprised me was that the Monommy knew them. I can never be sure if Twin Star actually knows something or not.

Cole's Profile Picture

FIVE? I thought there were only the two on the boxart

Ember's Profile Picture

Technically Uprising and Downfall had mention of three Grands but yeah, there’s apparently five.

Cole's Profile Picture

Well if they know about Grands from the sequel then they should know other Monommy from it as well, right?

Ember's Profile Picture

Exactly, but that’s the thing: they don’t know anything about chaos-type, whatever it is. Which is why we need to hear about Frewosz from a ‘new’ Monommy. Virusmy isn’t from Frewosz so that’s why I reached out to you. Can Drazaleamy tell us anything she remembers?

Cole's Profile Picture

She’s not very talkative unfortunately. I’ll ask her though.

Virusmy's profile picture

I’ll make you a chatpad anytime!

Cole's Profile Picture

Thanks Virusmy, but I don’t think she wants one… She didn’t say anything when I asked, but I asked if she knows anything about a chaos-type and she shook her head. I have a follow up though – what IS a chaos-type? You guys seemed worried about it. If it’s not a Monommy type then what is it?

Od's Profile Picture

We… don’t entirely know. But that’s why we wanted to ask Drazaleamy about it.

Kane's Profile Picture

Chaos-types are messed up monsters that look like if you mashed a Monommy together with human body parts. They look really gory and unsettling. They started showing up in my Monommy Machine and they seem to match some of the anomalies that have been on the news…

Cole's Profile Picture

Sorry she doesn’t have any info then :/

Cole's Profile Picture

Oh, I think I’ve seen one of those actually.

It had these fucked up elongated skulls on its legs and when I looked at it for too long my head started to hurt and all I could hear was static.

Drazaleamy tried to fight it off but it was really hard for her to hit it, I’m not sure why. This was before we pacted so I couldn’t just spit fire at it yet.

I didn’t even consider it could be a Monommy, are people really lumping those anomaly fucks in with real Monommy?

Kane's Profile Picture

Sadly yes

Od's Profile Picture

Drazaleamy not knowing about chaos-type tells us a lot, actually. It means that chaos-type was never meant to be in the Monommy games, which means that Chaos-type is not a Monommy type. It’s something else entirely. It’s good to have proof, now people won’t be blaming Monommy for whatever chaos-types are doing.

Ember, you should do a podcast episode on it or something. I’ll do my usual leak-it-to-every-guide-app schtick

Cole's Profile Picture

Wait that was you doing that?? That’s fucking awesome dude

Od's Profile Picture

Thanks! Don’t ever call me that again! : )

Glenn's Profile Picture

Dear friends, (Because you ARE dear friends!)

Firstly, hello Cole! It’s nice to meet you. My name is Glenn Clive, but you can just call me Glenn. It’s good to have you in our little online talking circle.

Toastmy has informed me that I don’t need to write every message like it’s an email or a letter. Why didn’t you just tell me so? I must seem like such an out of touch old man LOL

That’s okay, though. It’s good to hear from you all, as always. I have a slight concern for some of you, and I wanted to mention it. Don’t go near those anomalies, they’re very very dangerous. I know some people at work who got close to one and they’ve been in the hospital ever since. That happened months ago. Please just know that I request this out of concern for your wellbeing: stay away from anomalies. Your mommies can help protect you but we don’t want them being hurt either. Just, everyone please stay safe, and God bless.

You still know it’s me when I don’t put my name at the end, right? Toastmy says so but I want to be sure. Just in case,


Glenn Clive

Catherine's Profile Picture

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