#101 – Bytemy

#100 - Mummymy
#102 - ChronoKinmy
Bytemy, Monommy #101, a mom class cyber-type
Bytemy, the “bytes” Monommy

#017 – Bytemy

Bytemy, a mom class cyber-type Monommy created by Uplinkmy herself. She traverses digital networks at the quantum level, allowing users to access computational power otherwise impossible to achieve. (at least for now!) Both in cyberspace and in the real world, she’s capable of interfacing with any technology using cyber magic to transfer data or take control of devices. Bytemy is also capable of doing this with human and Monommy brains, although she doesn’t enjoy working with wetware. Bytemy’s spells and programs are capable of manifesting physical changes in the real world as well. Her connection whips shapeshift with ease, allowing her to interface with quite literally anything she needs or wants to interface with. They’re also capable of delivering powerful bursts of electricity, so they make for decent weapons when she needs them.

Transmission Intercepted.

Field-1 (04:14.32): I have the drop in my hands, ma’am. It’s looking at me and blinking slowly.

Command-A (04:14.50): So the asset is awake, then?

Field-1 (04:15.01): Yes ma’am, it appears to be. It’s looking around the facility now.

Command-A (04:15.44): What’s the status of our contact, then?

Field-1 (04:16.10): She  – it’s vanished, like it said it would.

Command-A (04:16.32): Good. Bring it back to Site A. Be fast about it. There’s an escort on the way, so don’t be alarmed if you hear sirens or see tanks, I’m the one who sent them.

Field-1 (04:17.21): Understood. Should I just carry it out like this?

Command-A (04:17.36): No. Grab hold of it by its charm and it should absorb into it. Then place the charm into the extraction tube and place the extraction tube inside the reinforced brief case. Be careful with it, too.

Field-1 (04:18.33): The… charm, ma’am?

Command-A (04:18.40): The tiny naginata.

Field-1 (04:19.03): I don’t-

Command-A (04:19.05): It’s a polearm for fucks sake. A tiny one. At the top of its body.

Field-1 (04:19.56): Oh, I see. Sorry, ma’am.

Command-A (04:20.14): Hurry up, we need to follow through on our end of the deal. There’s no telling what’ll happen if we don’t.

Field-1 (04:20.34): Understood

Field-2 (04:20.36): Wait wouldn’t it not matter how fast we do it?

Field-3 (04:20.39): Shut up, he’s talking to Caulfield.

Field-A (04:22.26): Package is secured and we’re on our way to Site A now.

Field-A (04:22.37): Good. Keep me updated.

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