#102 – ChronoKinmy

#101 - Bytemy
#103 - Sproutmy
ChronoKinmy, Monommy #102, a grand mom class goth-type
ChronoKinmy, the ‘chronological kindred’ grand Monommy of time and darkness

Be not afraid. I am speaking to you directly. Kane Redwoods. Catherine Hase. Odette Cobb. Glenn Clive. Cole Lambton. Ember Sartor. You may be confused, rest assured that for the moment you are safe. You are hearing my voice in your mind and my words are being transcribed for you nearby, should your memory happen to fail you. My name is ChronoKinmy. The universe is in grave danger, and I require your help in preventing its demise.

As I am not the Grand Mother and do not possess omniscience I know you may not believe my claims. I assure you, however, that this world will gruesomely come to an end unless we work together. I have already bore witness to what happens if we fail. Unfortunately, as we are new to this world, the Grands are currently separated. I would unite us myself, but I must hide within the timestream to evade the gaze of what your people are calling Reklauzolth.

Your task is to find and pact with all of the Grands at once, to summon the Grand Mother to protect this universe.

Regrettably, I do not know where my elder sisters presently dwell. I know that Amalchemy is still split, and I know that Evistromy remains banished, but I can still feel her presence. She exists in this world, as do all Monommy. The Grand Mother remains in her slumber, and her evasive nature in her limited essence prevents me from detecting her. However, collecting each Grand Drop and pacting with all of us will allow us to summon her forth, no matter where she may be. I realize that this is a monumental task. But you must do it.

I have already spoken with my other team, who I have supplied with my own Drop. Both teams must come together to unite the Grand Drops, but it was imperative that I give them my Drop, otherwise the gash in the sky above your world would never have been sealed. Unfortunate as their methods were, Twin Star was able to design a weapon capable of sealing the sky wounds on its own, but they created it too late. Thankfully for them, I possess the ability to travel through time, and they were able to outfit their ‘Bestiemy’ with my Drop as its core power source. Using it, they should have just enough time magic to be able to send Bestiemy on a one way trip back in time to seal the original Sky Wound which drowned the entirety of Earth’s northern hemisphere in a sea of blood. The fact you’re reading and hearing this message right now proves that they were successful in doing so.

I… do not enjoy the screams I hear from my Drop within Bestiemy’s chassis. Guardiamy is in excruciating amounts of pain, and is fully cognizant. Let it be known that I do not approve of Twin Star’s methods. For that reason I neglected to tell them I was in possession of CosmoKinmy’s Drop as well, and that is why I am entrusting it to you, Kane. Your compassion for Virusmy and cooperation with the gemstone guardians has proven to me that the humans of this world have the capacity for good. Kane’s Monommy Machine, as you may have noticed, is unlike others. I apologize for some of the entries being displayed in the wrong order, that appears to be a consequence of my time manipulation. The guardians themselves would not have known this, but they imbued your Monommy Machine with a spell that links it with the chosen Monommy Machine. I believe that Amalchemy did this from within their subconscious, to act as a beacon for me to find you.

I would have chosen one of the many humans who were brought to this world from Frewosz, but just like Monommy, they are physically incapable of seeing Reklauzolth’s presence. Humans from Earth, however, can see them. You may have noticed your Monommy cannot see these anomalous threats. It is unknown to me why Frewosz natives cant perceive Reklauzolth, but it matters not. The people born of this world must be the ones to prevent its destruction.

I would provide you with another of my Drops if I could, but as some of you may know, Grands are only capable of having a single Drop exist at any given time. A limitation enforced on us by the Grand Mother in her limitless wisdom. It benefitted us in Frewosz but it is a bit of an obstacle here.

I am putting a lot of faith in your team. Your desire to help Monommy and live in a united world with both Earthlings and Frewoszians is part of why I have chosen you. That, and you seem to be the largest group of Monomasters on the planet. Eight billion humans to one hundred and twenty – excuse me, one hundred and twenty one, Monommy is another limitation of this world, it would seem.

I will regale you with my tale of our past failure, which happened in the future I just arrived from. A future I hope you do not allow to come to pass. I would travel further back to undo this if I could but my time travel capabilities are limited to how long I’ve been alive. In Frewosz I am unbound as I existed before time began. But not here.

In the future I wish to undo, a team of Monomasters managed to come together. A team similar to yours. A team with Odette, Ember, and Glenn in its ranks, among others, but without Kane, Cole, or Catherine. It seems that my and Twin Star’s altering of your timeline has changed things already. Hopefully for the benefit of us all. This team of Monomasters were able to, by breaking into Twin Star’s Site-A and taking control of its satellite surveillance systems and telescope arrays, successfully locate and summon forth the Grand Mommy Evistromy, easily the most powerful of any Monommy in combat.

As soon as she was summoned, she annihilated a neighbouring planet – I believe you call it Mars – in celebration of her freedom from her banishment. She then demanded to see the Grand Mother, but she was nowhere to be found. This is why I know we must gather all the Grands and use the Grand Summoning ritual. If she won’t respond to the destruction of a planet, she can’t respond. She must be summoned.

Unfortunately, soon after Mars was destroyed, a limb emerged in its place. A massive anomaly formed of blood and flesh and bone, in an agonizing swirling knot of pain, pushing against the vacuum of space and being torn apart and bloated, yet it remained intact. It was able to catch Evistromy off guard, and it absorbed her. The gemstone guardians detected the change in magical energy, and realized that their sister had perished. In response, they finally decided to become Amalchemy once again. Knowing that Evistromy’s dark power needed to be balanced out lest the balance of light and dark fall to ruin, she sacrificed herself and became absorbed by it as well. She said to put our trust in humanity just before she became one with Reklauzolth.

The Monomaster team used their Evistromy Drop, and to her surprise, it worked. Evistromy was summoned out of the mass of tendrils and teeth and torn flesh, and was safe, albeit temporarily as Reklauzolth was allowed too much power, and it took over the universe in an instant. I traveled back in time and made the realization that this entity cannot be defeated by a Monommy any lesser than the Grand Mother herself. Only she has the ability to unmake something, so only she can stop this from overtaking the universe. And to summon the Grand Mother, we need to have a human pact with all of the Grands, just as the prophecy back in Frewosz foretold. Thankfully, I was able to detect that a chosen one’s Monommy Machine exists.

Unfortunately, due to Amalchemy’s spell, it would seem that I was drawn to Kane’s Monommy Machine instead. But I believe that this may be a good thing. The other Grands and I cannot remember who the chosen one is, but we remember that we should know. We know that in this world, Frewosz was the setting of an electronic game of some sort. This must be why all we can remember about the chosen one is the word “Player’. I wish you luck in finding the real chosen one. In a way, maybe it is Kane after all.

Kane, you should notice a new charm has appeared on your bracelet. It belongs to my sister, CosmoKinmy. When you bring forth CosmoKinmy’s Drop and splash it upon your soul sync ring, it will summon her to your side. From there, the chosen one may pact with her. However, and this is vital, DO NOT SUMMON COSMOKINMY UNTIL YOU HAVE EVERY OTHER GRAND DROP. If you summon her before then, the universe will be left defenseless and it will very quickly be torn apart.

CosmoKinmy is the one thing holding the expansive presence of Reklauzolth back. Even as you hear and read this, she is fighting a fight against a presence she cannot see. Her powers over space allow her to fight as the universe itself, and she is protecting the universe from being further wounded. She was the first of us to realize that we were in another world. She recognized instantly that another universe was trying to become one with it. And so she did what she always has, and fought to protect it. Even if it’s not our own universe.

The anomalies you may have encountered in your journeys – Sky Wounds, Vacuum Pockets, Inside Out Disease, and so on – these manifest in the brief moments CosmoKinmy’s defenses are breached. If she were to cease to be – or if she were taken from the fight by a Monomaster’s summoning – the world would instantly fully open and the presence known as Reklauzolth would spill forth. What you see as wounds in the sky or flesh appearing where it wasn’t before… All these things that Twin Star calls anomalies. They would become the universe. Every particle. Every atom. Completely replaced. Do not summon CosmoKinmy’s Drop until it is time.

I’m sorry to say it, but your collection of the Grand Drops has a time limit – you have until the chosen one’s Monommy Machine displays CosmoKinmy’s entry. The chosen one’s Monommy Machine updates when it detects the presence of a Monommy, and CosmoKinmy has told me she will broadcast her energy in the instant she loses to Reklauzolth. Please, find the other Grands and the chosen Monommy Machine before then. Kane’s Monommy Machine is linked to the chosen one’s Monommy Machine. They will glow and fuse together when close to each other. That is how you will know you’ve found them. The chosen one will summon the Grands, and we shall bring forth the power of the Grand Mother – the power of a true goddess. It is the only way to stop your universe’s assimilation.

When Reklauzolth defeats CosmoKinmy, which it will, it will absorb her essence and gain her power. This will accelerate its ability to break into this universe. Thankfully as the doomed future’s Monomasters were able to summon Evistromy out of Reklauzolth, you should as well be able to summon CosmoKinmy even after she perishes. While it has not happened to me, I can assume that if it were to absorb me as well, it would gain the ability to manipulate time. If it possessed rule over both time and space it would threaten all of reality. It would be physically and magically impossible to stop it if that were to happen, so I will hide within the timestream, separate from this universe, until the time comes to be summoned. I trust you all with my and everyone else’s lives.

Find the Grands, obtain their Drops, summon them, pact with them. Find the chosen one. Good luck.

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