#103 – Sproutmy

#102 - ChronoKinmy
#104 - Popcomy
Sproutmy, Monommy #103, a mom class nature-type
Sproutmy, the “sprout” Monommy

#089 – Sproutmy

Sproutmy, a mom class nature-type Monommy known as the ‘bringer of new beginnings’. Sproutmy’s potent nature magic allows her to manifest seeds out of thin air, which she then plants and cares for. It’s said that most of the Overworld’s forests were planted by a previous Sproutmy thousands and thousands of years ago. In addition to her nature magic, she also possesses a unique form of emotional magic that she uses to motivate humans and Monommy alike to try things they’ve never done before. All throughout Frewosz it is known that if you’re having anxiety about trying something new, go to Sproutmy. She’ll be able to help you get started, and your new journey will be as prosperous and full of growth as the mightiest of trees.

Od's Profile Picture

okay so uh…

bit of a big responsibility we’ve stumbled onto here

Ember's Profile Picture

The chosen one has to be the omnimaster, right?

If ChronoKinmy wants us to pact with all the Grands then one of us needs to have the omnimmy ability.

Kane, try pacting with another Monommy. There’s a chance you have the power too, right?

Kane's Profile Picture

My only Drops are Virusmy Warpmy and Dragomy.

Warpmy is already in a pact with Od and Dragomy said not to summon her unless its an emergency :c

Od's Profile Picture

I’ll bring over Cactmy, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.

Od's Profile Picture

Okay so Kane isn’t the omnimaster

Ember's Profile Picture

If it’s the same as the games, then the omnimaster is just one person. The chances its one of us are very low.

Cole's Profile Picture

But everybody is the omnimaster

Ember's Profile Picture

Only in multiplayer. In the lore, your player character is the only one.

Catherine's Profile Picture

So we need to find the main character of real life

Cole's Profile Picture

Clearly I’m the main character maybe I should try pacting with more Monommy lol

Do you guys talk with the Grands often or

Od's Profile Picture

Kane’s technically spoken to two of them now

Catherine's Profile Picture

Why would you be the main character

Cole's Profile Picture

Well hasn’t it felt that way ever since Monommy became real? I don’t mean just me, don’t you feel it too?

Like we were chosen to be special, to have REAL Monommy? Real magic? It’s like a dream come true, I’m sure every real monomaster feels that way. I know I did when I found Drazaleamy.

We get to have an edge nobody else has.

Od's Profile Picture

Just felt lucky to me. Like ChronoKinmy said, 120 to 8 billion. I hope nobody’s pacted with a Grand yet or her plan’s out the window…

Ember's Profile Picture

Impossible. Chronokinmy’s in the timestream whatever that is, Amalchemy is split, Evistromy is in her crystal still, and CosmoKinmy is off fighting Rek uh yknow I didn’t catch that things name

Kane's Profile Picture

I’m feeling kind of sick I don’t know if I can help much…

Glenn's Profile Picture


It’s natural to be nervous when there’s a big change coming up in your life. But that nervousness is why you should do it, because it matters.

I don’t understand what’s going on fully, I’m man enough to admit that. But I want you to know we’re all here for you as much as we can be. The kids are a handful but if I can handle them I can handle your problems too! LOL


Warpmy's profile picture

We’re gonna be opening a lot of portals aren’t we?

Cole's Profile Picture

Glenn’s right. There’s no reason to be scared anyways, you’ve got Virusmy and her powers.

Besides, we need your Monommy Machine, right?

Od's Profile Picture

Yup. I think we should test every monomaster we know of.

Speaking of which, you ready to meet me irl, Cole?

Cole's Profile Picture

As ready as I’ll ever be man

Kane's Profile Picture

For someone so small, Virusmy gives really good hugs

Ember's Profile Picture

You got this Kane. We all got this.

That said, god this is going to be a monumental task… I’ll start looking for every confirmed monomaster.

Gonna take forever sorting through all the people “pacted with Laceramy”, am I right Catherine?

Catherine's Profile Picture

I can help with that I guess lol

Toastmy's profile picture

I just wanted to say that not everybody who’s pacted with a Monommy is going to be able to fight, whether they’re the omnimaster or not.

Not everyone’s cut out for violence and if there’s a way to be nonviolent I’d really prefer that.

I really don’t want any young ones being hurt so… Ember, if you find any particularly young monomasters in your search, please don’t make them fight. Don’t make anyone fight if they don’t want to.

Ember's Profile Picture

I would never allow that to happen. I’m not drafting people into a war. Just looking for someone to summon the Grands.

Bunpopmy and I might be able to tough it out in a brawl but I don’t want that for everyone.

I don’t even like that kids like Kane and Catherine have had to defend themselves.

Cole's Profile Picture

Uh I’m a minor too

Ember's Profile Picture

Or Cole, then.

I promise you, that if I find any Monomasters, no matter who they are, I’ll make sure their Monommy partner knows to keep them safe and away from chaos-types.

Chronokinmy entrusted us, after all. It wouldn’t be fair to offload that responsibility.

Even when we find the omnimaster (because we WILL!). If they’re not cut out for fighting, that’s okay. We just need the chosen one to summon the Grands, and then they can handle the rest.

Toastmy's profile picture

I suppose that is true… Thank you for putting my mind at ease, dear

Od's Profile Picture

Cole I’m not stepping through a portal when there’s a claw slashing out of it can you ask Drazaleamy to chill the fuck out please

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