#104 – Popcomy

#103 - Sproutmy
#105 - Jinglemy
Popcomy, Monommy #104, a mama class brutal-type
Popcomy, the “popcorn flick” Monommy

#090 – Popcomy

Popcomy, a mama class brutal-type Monommy and the only Monommy to ever be banished from Radical-type. Her cruel sense of humour and obsession with spectacle has led to many conflicts throughout the years, and is the reason she was outcast from Radical-type. A lover of all forms of entertainment, Popcomy has a fiery and explosive passion for scenes of intense action. Her love of movies of all types is second only to her love for what she calls “the greatest 3D film of all time: real combat”. An instigator of fights, Popcomy scours the world looking for impressive Monommy and monomasters alike, and through careful manipulation, slowly introduces them to who she deems to be their most worthy of opponents. Once the fight is set, she kicks back in her chair, far above the battlefield and safely out of the danger, and enjoys the battle she set up. Even if someone dies in the process, Popcomy doesn’t care, and will watch with sinister glee. She’s a powerful user of explosive magics, which she used to use to create fireworks shows, but now simply uses to pop her own popcorn. It’s said that Popcomy’s popcorn is fantastic, but you can only eat some if you pay to watch one of her ‘shows’. She sells it at a ridiculous markup of 2000%! This brutal, almost evil act of sales and bloodsports is what brought her into Brutal-type. It’s unknown where exactly she keeps all her essles, but her hoard is said to be one of the Isle of Glory’s greatest treasures.

Warpmy's profile picture

What a disaster that was.

Cole's Profile Picture

Sorry again about that. My mom keeps fucking interrupting my life

Od's Profile Picture

Nah man I get it, my dad’s always trying to stop me from being myself. Thankfully I don’t live with him anymore

Cole's Profile Picture

Can’t she fucking tell I have enough on my plate as it is i dont need her throwing a fit just for having a friend over

Ember's Profile Picture

What happened?

Od's Profile Picture

I’ve gotta tend to our wounds I’ll let Cole explain

Ember's Profile Picture


Warpmy's profile picture

It was just some cuts and scrapes, don’t worry. I’m very good at dodging and Od is… Also okay

Cole's Profile Picture

They came over to see if I’m the omnimaster and stuff and Drazaleamy leapt out of my arms and started slashing at them. She was freaking out and Warpmy running everywhere just made her fly around the room smashing shit. I grabbed her and got her to chill out but we already made a shit ton of noise.

Cole's Profile Picture

So my bitch mom stormed in and freaked out that I had a girl in my room, yelling at me and shit. Then she noticed Warpmy and she slapped me with the book she was carrying before screaming at us and saying I need to think about my little brother?? Like what the fuck she’s insane

Warpmy's profile picture

She left the room and swore when you grew out that leaf blade from your arm. I think you scared her.

Cole's Profile Picture

I didn’t touch her. She’s fine. I don’t know what her problem is lately

Ember's Profile Picture

Sounds like she’s scared of Monommy to me. I’m sorry she hit you.

Cole's Profile Picture

They’re nothing to be afraid of. It’s stupid, I’ve told her so many times that Drazaleamy is my friend and a person just like her. She just doesn’t get it.

Kane's Profile Picture

Maybe you should tell her some good stories about Drazaleamy and other Monommy. That might help her realize they’re not bad, right?

Virusmy's profile picture

Ooh! We can tell you about how Kane and I formed our pact. That’s a good story about Monommy and humans being friends!

Bunpopmy's profile picture

We could all tell our pact stories, actually. They’re moments of kindness and bonding after all!

Ember's Profile Picture

Yknow I’m actually really curious how Toastmy ended up with Glenn of all people.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Yeah the rst of us have experiece with Monommy how did dear old dad become a monomaster?

Toastmy's profile picture

Well, truth be told I didn’t even realize I myself was pacted with Glenn until months after the fact. I knew the words to perform the pact somehow but I thought it was more of a polite custom to become close friends.

I understand it now but I didn’t at the time. Glenn unfortunately still struggles to grasp it.

Ember's Profile Picture

How did you not realize you were pacted? Glenn never felt your pain? You never felt his? You never noticed you sleep at the same time?

Toastmy's profile picture

You don’t ask questions like that when you think everything’s normal, darling. You just… Keep on living with what you think is normal.

My friend Hatchmy *still* doesn’t know if she’s pacted or not, for instance. I’ve asked her if she’s pacted multiple times and she still isn’t sure if she is.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Who is Hatchmy?

Toastmy's profile picture

Oh! She’s my best Monommy friend. I met her at Dana’s school.

You see, we comfy-types love young ones. They’re so full of warmth and innocence and they’re wonderful dreamers. So naturally I’ve gone with Glenn and his daughter Dana to several birthday parties and other meetups and playdates, and many times have I seen other Monommy while at those meetups. I’m never sure if they’re with the parents or the kids, but I’ve seen plenty of comfy and nature type Monommy playing with them.

Glenn's Profile Picture

Hatchmy’s a good egg! LOL!

Just another Clive family original for ya.

She really is a good friend for Toastmy. We all need a helping hand some days. I’m grateful that you have Hatchmy to help you with the amnesia. I wish I could do more…

It’s been hard to learn but we all need each other.


Toastmy's profile picture

You do plenty, big guy.

Ember's Profile Picture

Amnesia? Glenn you can’t just drop a bomb like that and try to mask it with a bad joke

Toastmy's profile picture

I was getting to that anyways, actually.

Hatchmy and I have talked a lot about what we do and don’t remember about Frewosz, and it’s mostly what we don’t remember. I haven’t told you darlings about this yet but part of the reason I didn’t know we were… Part of a game… Is that I didn’t know much of anything.

When Glenn and I met, that’s where most of my memories begin. I can remember basics like the Grands and what Humans and Monommy are like, but it feels less like memories and more like… instinct. Or maybe programming, I suppose…

Everything else I know about Frewosz are things that Hatchmy and I have learned through the grapevine. Both of us don’t have any real memories of Frewosz. I’m sorry I hadn’t mentioned it before.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

That’s very odd. I remember my popstar career very well! *sigh* if only my fame had followed me here…

Ember's Profile Picture

I’d argue you’re more famous here as a cartoon character than you ever were as an idol

Mienmy's profile picture

I remember Frewosz vividly too. I also remember you were definitely there, Toastmy.

Catherine's Profile Picture

She was a starter in Uprising and Downfall. She’d have to have been there.

Toastmy's profile picture

So you say, and yet I don’t remember any of it.

But it’s okay, I’m happy being a Clive ^-^

Cole's Profile Picture

Even Drazaleamy seems to have memories of Frewosz. It’s weird that you and Hatchmy don’t.

Glenn's Profile Picture

Life is a series of weird occurrences, my boy. We all have a different story to live.

Od's Profile Picture

How does Hatchmy show up to those events? Does she.. Walk or fly? I’m not familiar with her physique.

Toastmy's profile picture

She is summoned every time. I don’t know who summons her and she doesn’t either. She plays with all the kids as much as they’d like and they all love her and seem to want to keep her!

That said, every time we’ve been with those groups, I’ve never seen a soul sync ring besides Glenn’s, so it’s a mystery who’s summoning her. Even Hatchmy doesn’t know, but she doesn’t seem to mind. It gets hectic with all the young ones, no sense in worrying about little things like that.

Od's Profile Picture

I figured as much. Interesting. Usually you’d remember who you gave a Drop to, right?

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Well some of us are a bit more generous with Drops than others. Someone’s bound to forget at some point, even with the affection link.

If Hatchmy doesn’t know where the Drop is, she can’t focus her energy to look through its eyes. That’s why summoning is important, we can’t always see what’s going on,especially when the Drop has a mind of its own.

Catherine's Profile Picture


and I dont mean Hatchmy I mean Glenn. Did he jst send a message like a normal person???

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