#106 – Draculmy

#105 - Jinglemy
#107 - Burgmy
Draculmy, Monommy #106, a mommy class goth-type
Draculmy, the “Dracula” Monommy

#092 – Draculmy

Draculmy, a mommy class goth-type Monommy and the countess of darkness. Ancient legends tell of evil creatures who suck the blood of unsuspecting humans, are active throughout the night, and have a bizarre aversion to delicious foodstuffs. These creatures were called vampires, but the wiser of humanity and Monommy kind know that these stories truly speak not of vampires, but of the blood magic master herself, Draculmy. Her body is composed almost entirely out of enchanted blood, and she has a mastery over magics that control it, allowing her to perform fantastic abilities. This magic allows her to transform her gown into bat-like wings to enable flight, to completely melt into shadows, and even to control the minds of other people. She actually loves garlic. The rumour that she hated it was initially spread by human chefs in the Underworld, in an attempt to limit how much she consumed so there would be more garlic for their restaurants.

New Discovery Suggests Livestock Mutilation Spree Caused by Human

Reports of mutilated cattle, poultry, and even some domestic pets like dogs and cats have been on the rise across the state of Washington. Previously thought to be the work of an anomalous ‘Monommy’ character, a recent report by an eye witness suggests that it may be something – or someone – else.

This attack comes after a grotesque series of similar attacks on livestock at other farms across Washington, and farmers are understandably very upset.

Joel Simons, who takes care of the cattle at Heavensview Ranch, had this to say:

“It’s beyond upsetting, it’s a travesty. The fact there’s someone or something out there violently mutilating our livestock with no remorse isn’t just bad for business it’s deeply, well, frightening. You see those wounds inflicted on these poor animals and you can tell it was a slow, torturous death. Whatever’s doing the killing is taking its sweet time and at this scale and level of violence… It’s downright sadistic. Not only that, it’s baffling as to *how* exactly it’s being done. I just hope it ends here and no people get hurt too. “

The possibility of the one responsible for these attacks being an anomalous lifeform seems likely with the bizarre methods and efficiency employed to the gruesome task. Locals have suggested it could be anything from the ‘Dragomy’ Monommy to something relating to the sky wounds.

A recent eye witness account claims that the entity responsible looks to be human, although clearly one with anomalous abilities. The anonymous witness claims that the perpetrator described as a white teenage boy mutilated dozens of animals before locking eyes with the witness and disappearing into the woods.

“The expression he had – I couldn’t tell if it was one of joy or shock. I’ve never seen anything like it” – Anonymous witness

Recent forensic data suggests that the perpetrator is in fact human, as Kimès brand shoe prints were found near corpses at each attack site. Bite marks seem to follow a human like pattern as well, albeit with forces normally impossible to achieve with human jaw muscles. Strangely enough the livestock that were cut in halves or quarters seem to have been sliced through at an angle that indicates a similar motion to that of swinging a sword. It’s presently unknown how several of the corpses were heavily burnt, yet the fields stayed untouched by any flames.

With this new discovery seeming to point to the perpetrator being human, it raises as many questions as it answers.

We’ll have more on this story as it develops. As with all anomaly encounters, please avoid contact whenever possible and report your findings to Twin Star Contingency Research. As a reminder, reporting to your local police is the fastest way to alert Twin Star of anomalous activity.

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