#107 – Burgmy

#106 - Draculmy
#108 - Oasmy
Burgmy, Monommy #107, a mom class radical-type
Burgmy, the “burger” Monommy

#093 – Burgmy

Burgmy, a mom class radical-type Monommy who specializes in intensemancy, a form of magic she invented to make her burgers taste better. That’s not the only thing intensemancy is capable of, however – it’s a powerful tool to make many things into more potent versions of themselves. Burgmy can use her magic to enhance the power of electronics, make sounds louder, make lights brighter, even make blades sharper. Whatever the intent of an item, her magic is capable of making that intention more intense. It just so happens that she has an intense love for fast food, especially burgers. So she basically only uses her magic to make food taste better. If only there were a Monommy who used this magic for something more useful… Oh well. 😉 Burgmy’s radical-type catch phrase is “Order up!”

Kane's Profile Picture

I don’t want to see any

Ember's Profile Picture

Well apparently they’re becoming more common. Do you guys think CosmoKinmy’s getting weaker?

Cole's Profile Picture

I’m just going to assume it’s chaos-type Monommy doing whatever it is they do

Bunpopmy's profile picture

I don’t like that you’re calling them Monommy still…

Cole's Profile Picture

I didn’t mean to offend you, but maybe grow a thicker skin. What’s with everybody lately being so sensitive?

Od's Profile Picture

She’s not sensitive, you’re basically saying those monsters are just like her. We know they aren’t, just show some empathy to the Monommy. We aren’t the only victims here.

Cole's Profile Picture

There’s that fucking word again…

Od's Profile Picture

What word?

Cole's Profile Picture

Empathy. I’m so sick of hearing that shit my mom says it all the time. Show empathy, be the better person blah blah blah I don’t want or need to be the better person. Sick of people acting like I’m some monster or some shit just because I don’t care about shit that doesn’t affect me.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

When you call the chaos-types Monommy, it makes me feel like you think *we’re* monsters.

Cole's Profile Picture

Well you’re obviously not fucking chaos-types are you?

Ember's Profile Picture

Yikes, Cole. Maybe you should listen to your mom a bit. What about Drazaleamy? Does she not care that you’re lumping her in with them?

Cole's Profile Picture

Drazaleamy doesn’t care about her feelings being hurt. Neither do I. We’re better than that.

Od's Profile Picture

I used to think that too. It’s not healthy.

Cole's Profile Picture

I’m not you.

Od's Profile Picture

Sure aren’t.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Mienmy and I almost fell in to an earth wound today

Kane's Profile Picture

What do you mean, earth wound?

Catherine's Profile Picture

They’re like the micro tears in the sky but they’re bigger and in the ground

Mienmy's profile picture

They’re sky gashes but in the ground. The earth just opens up randomly and makes a sink hole. Thankfully Catherine saw it before I did, she grabbed me before I fell in

Catherine's Profile Picture

Because I could see the fingers coming up. Monommy can’t see what they really look like

Kane's Profile Picture

Fingers? What do they look like?

Catherine's Profile Picture

Like my tonsils when I had strep throat. But with teeth and fingers. I don’t like thinking about it.

Mienmy's profile picture

My foot felt funny when I tripped into it. I think it was like how you might describe pins and needles but I’ve never felt that before

Virusmy's profile picture

Probably because you’re made of slime!

Mienmy's profile picture

Probably because I’m made of slime, yes.

Od's Profile Picture

A lot of the documents I’ve found on anomalies in Twin Star’s HQ mention hearing static when you see them. If your foot fell asleep in the earth wound, I could see that being related somehow.

Cole's Profile Picture

How are you stealing documents from Twin Star anyways?

Od's Profile Picture

The same way I visited you. My pact partner is Warpmy.

Warpmy's profile picture

Portals make any security a joke, I can go anywhere I want.

Od's Profile Picture

We don’t stay long when we go there just because if I got caught it’d be… very bad.

Cole's Profile Picture

yeah but I thought Warpmy needs to have been someplace before in order to make a portal there.

Ember's Profile Picture

You should go and check if they have info on the chosen one, when you get a chance. ChronoKinmy entrusted them as well, so they might know stuff we don’t.

It’d also be better than just going one by one through every known monomaster…

Cole's Profile Picture

It’d be nice if we could work together with Twin Star

Kane's Profile Picture

No it wouldnt. They’re just plain evil, I know that sounds silly but I’m serious. They’ve done horrible things to so many people.

Catherine's Profile Picture

I was more scared in twin stars cell than I was when I saw the earth wounmd

Glenn's Profile Picture

Cole, don’t speak about your family like that. You may not understand it now but your mother loves you very much and you should really listen to her. When your my age you’ll be happy you did…

Od's Profile Picture

We’ve had bad experiences with them in the past, and they aren’t to be trusted. Working together is definitely a no, but they can still help us if you catch my drift.

Glenn's Profile Picture

Toastmy has been telling me the micro tears mean that it’s not safe to go outside anymore… I’m missing my morning jogs and the kids are getting antsy. It’s a real stressful time we’re living in, but I’m trying to stay positive… You kids should too… Sorry, young adults, haha….

Virusmy's profile picture

Cole, I’m having trouble finding the signal for Drazaleamy’s chatpad…

Cole's Profile Picture

Sorry Virusmy, she ate it again.

Virusmy's profile picture


Cole's Profile Picture

I don’t think she wants one, but thank you so much for trying to get her to talk. She barely speaks to me as it is lol

Kane's Profile Picture

Your relationship with her is a lot different than ours

Cole's Profile Picture

Yeah but we’re happy. We both benefit from our pact. We’re friends.

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