#108 – Oasmy

#107 - Burgmy
#109 - Quizzimy
Oasmy, Monommy #108, a mom class nature-type
Oasmy, the “oasis” Monommy

#094 – Oasmy

Oasmy, a mom class nature-type Monommy and the smallest known Monommy. At less than two inches tall, Oasmy is by far the tiniest, and the only Monommy whose Drops are actually bigger than her body! Oasmy may be miniscule, but her unique water magic is incredibly useful and powerful. By simply splashing her liquid body into a larger body of water, she’s able to gradually purify the water she’s temporarily merged with, turning even the most polluted and nasty pond into a healthy and perfect oasis. While she’s mixed in with a body of water, she’s capable of manipulating it with powerful hydromancy to transform it into limbs, or simply shoot water at high velocities to fight. She’s very very shy, but those who are lucky enough to meet her are blessed with a friendship that’s refreshingly pleasant.

Glenn's Profile Picture

I don’t approve of this… It is dangerous and you could be hurt.

Cole's Profile Picture

It’s the best idea we have, isn’t it?

Catherine's Profile Picture

Yeah by it being the only idea…

Od's Profile Picture

Glenn, you heard ChronoKinmy. We have to act, and if Twin Star has information that could help us, we need to get that information. We have Monommy to help us, it’s not as dangerous as it normally would be.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Your addicted to teleporting… what if you can’t do it in time?

Od's Profile Picture

I always portal up *before* something happens. It’s dangerous to be in there, yes, but I always leave fast and I’ve never been caught. With Mienmy and Catherine’s shapeshifting we can stay longer and spread out more, it’ll be way less dangerous.

Glenn's Profile Picture

Yes, I did listen to Chronokinmy. She entrusted Twin Star as well. How about instead of your plan, you follow proper procedure…

I know you don’t like them but these systems are in place for a reason…

It’s better to work together on big projects! My buddy Dave and I built a real snazzy firepit in his backyard and it would have been much harder alone!

Od's Profile Picture

With all due respect, Glenn, Twin Star doesn’t deserve civility, and you shouldn’t be mindlessly following them.

Catherine's Profile Picture

I don’t want to go back there.

Od's Profile Picture

I didn’t think you would want to… Unfortunately we would need Mienmy’s powers to walk the halls without being questioned. Unless one of you has a way to procure us some more uniforms. Even then, changing a face is a much better disguise.

Kane's Profile Picture

More uniforms? You have some? :O

Od's Profile Picture

I have access to one. Unfortunately it’s really big and doesn’t really fit me, so ideally Glenn would have to wear it. You’re a big guy right Glenn?

Glenn's Profile Picture

I won’t be coming, I’m sorry.

I have two kids to take care of and if something happened to me… I simply can’t allow it.

My kids are my world…. Someday you’ll understand… On top of that, the adoption hearing is coming up. I have to keep my focus on what’s important.

Glenn's Profile Picture

I hope you be safe and maybe reconsider…. Sorry to let you down, my friends. I’ll make it up to you with that backyard barbecue party we keep talking about! Soon! LOL

Od's Profile Picture

Thanks anyways Glenn. Ember would you be okay with wearing the uniform?

Ember's Profile Picture

Don’t they have embroidered names on those things?

Od's Profile Picture


Ember's Profile Picture

So I’d have to pretend to be a dude again

Od's Profile Picture

You can say no

Ember's Profile Picture

Nah, it’s fine… I did it for 20 years after all…

Od's Profile Picture


Kane's Profile Picture

I guess Virusmy and I can handle ourselves just fine, with a group of us there we should be okay.

I just hope we won’t have to fight.

Od's Profile Picture

We shouldn’t have to. Those of us without shapeshifting disguises will be in areas closed off, and we can teleport out at any time. In the case of an emergency, every one of us can easily summon Warpmy, and then I myself can portal out on my own. It’ll be a total stealth mission, and an easy one with magic on our side.

Cole's Profile Picture

We should bring weapons and Drops just in case, though, right? If some government fuck tries to grab me I’ll slash and burn em. Even if they have guns I can totally take them down with Drazaleamy. Easy.

Virusmy's profile picture

Only if it absolutely comes to that.

Cole's Profile Picture

Of course…

Catherine's Profile Picture

I guess if it’s all of us going we can do it

Mienmy's profile picture

Being able to teleport out is the only reason we’re agreeing to this.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Safety is number one priority. If it goes wrong we leave. That said, there’s much to be gained from this.

We want to be as efficient as possible to minimize danger. What should we prioritize?

Od's Profile Picture

First and foremost we need any info they have on the locations of any known monomasters, in case they’re the chosen one. That, and the locations of the Grands.

Kane’s got CosmoKinmy’s Drop, and we already have ways to contact the gemstone guardians for Amalchemy’s. That just leaves ChronoKinmy and Evistromy.

Ember's Profile Picture

ChronoKinmy’s Drop is in Bestiemy. I still can’t believe after all that debate and declaring she’s a real Monommy, it turned out she wasn’t one

Kane's Profile Picture

Guardiamy was a real Monommy. Bestiemy needs to be destroyed to let her pass on and be free.

Warpmy's profile picture

For now, we need Bestiemy alive. At least until we can get all the Grand Drops. We can do the right thing after the world is saved.

Kane's Profile Picture

Right. Time sensitive.

Cole's Profile Picture

After all this, we can get revenge on Bestiemy and its creators, Kane. We’ll avenge her!!!

Ember's Profile Picture

Then there’s Evistromy. ChronoKinmy mentioned that Twin Star found Evistromy in her other future, so… They probably know where she’s being sealed, right?

Od's Profile Picture

That’s very likely. She also mentioned a satellite array and uuh well I remember that cutscene in Uprising and Downfall and it doesn’t fill me with confidence… But it’s still better to know. Focus on knowing first, then… then maybe we can find out how to deal with… that.

Od's Profile Picture

Okay so we’ll split into three teams to find the coordinates or a tracking system on Bestiemy, any info they have on monomasters, and their documents on Evistromy. I’ll brief you all in person on how to find that shit relatively easily.

But first we need to prep.

Kane's Profile Picture

Didn’t Twin Star arrest Clear Seed? It’d be really helpful if we had Alexandra Stella on our side, wouldn’t it?

Od's Profile Picture

We’ll keep an eye out for any evidence they’re keeping Clear Seed hostage, too, then.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Knowing their love for kidnapping they probably are…

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