#109 – Quizzimy

#108 - Oasmy
#110 - Drazaleamy
Quizzimy, Monommy #109, a mama class radical-type
Quizzimy, the “quizzical” Monommy

#095 – Quizzimy

Quizzimy, a mama class radical-type Monommy with a love for all things trivia. She uses conjuration magic to manifest everything she needs to put on fantastically entertaining games of trivia, intellect, and chance. From buzzers to spinning wheels, she’s able to truly manifest any object she desires. Like most radical-types, this means she uses her incredibly useful power to just have fun. In theory she could create any inanimate object out of thin air, but she chooses to do it to put on a fun show, and of course to give out fabulous prizes! She also dabbles in illusion magic, and uses it primarily to make her surroundings into flashy and fun sets. Her extendable limbs allow her to express herself and showboat in an exaggerated fashion. She’s very popular around the world and makes an effort to have every human be a contestant at some point in their lives. An impossible to achieve task, but one she pursues nonetheless. Her radical-type catch phrase is “heeeeres your host, QUIZZIMY!”

Od's Profile Picture

So Bunpopmy, Virusmy, and Drazaleamy are definitely capable of defending you guys. I’ve asked Cactmy if it’s alright to summon her for this and she said, and I quote: “I’m so down if you want me to prick those pricks.” That’s the first time I’ve heard a Monommy talk like that lol

Anyways, that just leaves Catherine. Mienmy is great but if push comes to shove you’ll need a way to defend yourself. Again, I want to clarify that we want to avoid fighting if we can help it. But better safe than sorry

Catherine's Profile Picture

Does anybody have a Drop I could borrow?

Od's Profile Picture

I have a Dronemy Drop but I don’t trust using it in a Twin Star facility. With Uplinkmy dead, it’s been *really* easy to hack. Like, voltberry levels of easy.

Ember's Profile Picture

They don’t know what that means, Od

Od's Profile Picture

The voltberry lacked antipiracy features and its OS was based on an open source offshoot of cofreenix so modders were able to build custom firmware and deploy it super easily. If you guys ever want I can show you how to do it, it’s actually one of the few ways to patch the indexfal glitch!

Ember's Profile Picture

Getting way off track hun lol

Od's Profile Picture

I like toying with stuff. You’re right though, way off topic. The point is, no, I don’t have any Drops you can borrow.

Kane's Profile Picture

Dragomy said only in emergencies, so I can’t either. Sorry :c

Catherine's Profile Picture

It’s ok

Od's Profile Picture

Aside from defense, we also need a way to communicate while we’re in there. Thankfully it was pretty easy for Kane and I to… let’s say ‘procure’ some headsets so we can communicate while we’re there.

Don’t bring your phones, if you accidentally drop them then Twin Star can track you down super easily. I wish we could communicate silently but the headsets will have to do.

Kane's Profile Picture

It was kinda fun to steal lol

Od's Profile Picture

Ember, you know a lot of monomasters, could you get her a Drop to use?

Virusmy's profile picture

And we’re never doing that again, right Kane?

Kane's Profile Picture

Sure >.>

Warpmy's profile picture

Not without my help you’re not

Ember's Profile Picture

My hands are a *bit* full looking for the omnimaster.

You guys have no fucking idea how much of a logistical nightmare sorting through this has been. Finding Cole was hard enough.

Od's Profile Picture

I don’t mean to overwork you. You know we appreciate you right?

Ember's Profile Picture


Cole's Profile Picture

I heard a handsome fellow’s name mentioned? I don’t have any Monommy besides Drazaleamy but I can help you out. Warpmy can you link Cathy and I up again?

Ember's Profile Picture

Again?? You guys hang out?

Mienmy's profile picture

Unfortunately they do…

Catherine's Profile Picture

Yeah we hang out he’s cool

Warpmy's profile picture

Sure thing

Kane's Profile Picture

I thought you hated nicknames?

Catherine's Profile Picture

It’s different…

Cole's Profile Picture

Speaking of communicating silently, that reminds me. I forgot for a while and its been a few days but: Space.

Catherine's Profile Picture

We already tlked about that…

Cole's Profile Picture

That was in person. I just want to see if anybody else remembers.

Ember's Profile Picture

That WAS you??

I thought Drazaleamy was nature-type but telepathy is arcane territory

Kane's Profile Picture

Are you guys talking about the voices? I thought some of them felt familiar…

Od's Profile Picture

You guys mean from a few days ago? I thought that was a dream

Ember's Profile Picture

I don’t know any Monommy that can do that.

Were there any in Frewosz that could link people’s minds?

Toastmy's profile picture

If it was all of you, no.

A few Arcane-type Monommy can use telepathy but only directed to one person at a time.

Only the Grands can address multiple people in their minds, like how ChronoKinmy contacted you all.

Kane's Profile Picture

But it was hundreds of people. Some were much quieter. All speaking and thinking at once.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

I’m prettyyy suuure that’s not something any Monommy can do.

Cole's Profile Picture

It’s happened twice now, hasn’t it?

Kane's Profile Picture

Maybe the anomalies have something to do with it

Ember's Profile Picture

…well, good to know I’m not going insane.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Or we’re all going insane.

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