#110 – Drazaleamy

#109 - Quizzimy
#111 - Moomy
Drazaleamy, Monommy #110, a mama class nature-type
Drazaleamy, the “dragon azalea” Monommy

#096 – Drazaleamy

Drazaleamy, a mama class nature-type Monommy. A fierce rival to Rozermy, the two are often found in the midst of battle. Unlike Rozermy’s typically kind demeanor, Drazaleamy is beast-like, fierce, and brutish. Her status as one of the Four Flowers, alongside Rozermy, Tulimy, and Sunflowmy, is one of the few things keeping her in Nature-type. Many Monommy and humans argue she would be a better fit for Brutal-type, but a nature-type she remains. Although she is technically capable of speech, she often refuses to talk, instead sticking to growls and roars. Despite this, she is not unintelligent. She simply refuses to cooperate, and it’s said that a monomaster who wishes to befriend her must be able to either tame the dragon, or be draconic themselves. She’s capable of spewing powerful flames, flying at remarkable speeds, and tearing through nearly anything with her razor sharp leaf claws. Her special attack Flower Flame launches a powerful burning beam of nature energy from the azalea petals on her head. She’s not to be messed with, and only a monomaster of pure heart is capable of taming her.

Cole's Profile Picture

Good news, guys. We got a Sandsmy Drop for Cathy. It was really easy to get, too.

Ember's Profile Picture

That’s great to hear. Sandsmy is a terrific Monommy

Bunpopmy's profile picture

I think we’re ALL terrific

Ember's Profile Picture

That’s not what I meant. Sorry.

I just meant in terms of fighting. I guess I’m still used to ‘good’ meaning ‘has good stats’. Real life is not the game

Mienmy's profile picture

I better not get sand in my slime, that’s all I’m going to say

Od's Profile Picture

Nice job you two. Was she hard to find?

Cole's Profile Picture

Not at all. It’s super easy actually, anything I want these days I can get with no problems.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Except the thing with your mom…

Cole's Profile Picture

Yeah she’s always trying to get in my way, but it doesn’t matter anymore. I don’t give a shit what she thinks anymore, it’s a waste of time.

I’m technically grounded but that hasn’t stopped Drazaleamy and I from flying around at night. It’s not like she can stop me lol

Kane's Profile Picture

How’d you go about finding Sandsmy so fast? Just flying around?

Cole's Profile Picture

I just looked online in Monommy tags until I saw a livestream of her. She was making a life-sized sand castle, and had Warpmy drop us close enough that Draz and I could carry Cathy to her. She did most of the talking, she’s better at that than me.

It’s not the way I’d get a Drop but it works

Catherine's Profile Picture

I just explained the sitution and sandsmy said she’d be happy to help, and she gave me her Drop.

Kane's Profile Picture

Nice 😀

Cole's Profile Picture

Of course if she didn’t want to cooperate, I could always persuade her.

Kane's Profile Picture

I guess it’s good to be persistent

Cole's Profile Picture

Like I said, getting what I want is easy now.

Ember's Profile Picture

Why’s it so easy exactly?

Cole's Profile Picture

I have Drazaleamy! I’m pacted! I got fuckin’ superpowers, dude! So do you! It’s awesome

Ember's Profile Picture

I don’t see how that makes getting things easy. If anything it’s been harder getting people to cooperate with me since I’m ‘betraying humanity’

Catherine's Profile Picture

I hate people who say that shit… whys humanity so good anyways

Cole's Profile Picture


Kane's Profile Picture

I know we literally just stole using Warpmy’s magic, but that was because we basically have to. I hope you’re not using Drazaleamy’s powers to be a thief all the time

Od's Profile Picture

Kane, I told you so many times. It’s okay to steal from corporations, nobody is getting hurt.

It’s not just okay because we have to, it’s okay because stealing is cool. B)

Ember's Profile Picture

Idk if that’s something you should be teaching him, Od.

Od's Profile Picture

Kane’s learning a lot! And they can think for themself, cmon.

Kane's Profile Picture

I’m more talking about using Warpmy’s portals to make it easy. Drazaleamy’s powers are really different

Cole's Profile Picture

I use her wings to fly away.

Cole's Profile Picture

It’s basically just a less instant getaway than teleporting.

Cole's Profile Picture

It’s the same.

Besides that though, I can get people to respect me. Can’t do that with portals. But it’s easy with Drazaleamy.

Ember's Profile Picture

So you’re just straight up threatening people.

Cole's Profile Picture

To put it bluntly, yeah.

Cole's Profile Picture

I only do it to people who deserve it, don’t worry.

Cole's Profile Picture

Like, this one time, a kid was bullying my little brother, I threatened him, he stopped. Nobody even got hurt.

Cole's Profile Picture

Or like when my mom’s boyfriend tried to grab me, I popped out the leaf blade, got some fire in my mouth, he backs off. Nobody’s hurt, but I get my respect.

Ember's Profile Picture

I can’t stop you so I guess just be careful doing that.

You never know who’s not going to take that sitting down.

Cole's Profile Picture

They know they can’t do anything to me, that’s the beauty of it. I’m perfectly safe. And now that Cathy can summon Sandsmy, we all are.

Kane's Profile Picture

Until a monomaster takes your threat seriously

Cole's Profile Picture

You guys know I wouldn’t do that to you!

Ember's Profile Picture

There’s more than just us and you know that.

Cole's Profile Picture

Theres only so many monommy, the odds of finding a monomaster is slim. I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Like Od said before, we have Warpmy’s portals. Worst case, I teleport away.

Catherine's Profile Picture

You wouldn’t ever follow thru with your threats right?

Cole's Profile Picture

 Of course not. Never ever. Only in self defense. Don’t worry your pretty little head

Catherine's Profile Picture


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