#111 – Moomy

#110 - Drazaleamy
#112 - Retaimy
Moomy, Monommy #111, a mom class comfy-type
Moomy, the “moo cow” Monommy

#097 – Moomy

Moomy, a mom class comfy-type Monommy. A cute tiny cow girl (literally), Moomy is a pleasant little friend to all. She’s capable of magically creating the most delicious, nutritious, and refreshing milk you’ve ever tasted. Moomy’s milk tastes incredible and drinking it causes injuries to heal much faster, and makes you feel revitalized and content. Although regular milk is her favourite, she makes a wide variety of flavoured milks for her friends and loved ones to enjoy, including chocolate, strawberry, mint, banana, almond, oat, caramel, and even the mysterious purple ‘mystery milk’! The mystery milk is phenomenal and tastes unlike anything else in the entirety of Frewosz, but nobody has ever had the courage to ask what’s in it. Moomy is a friendly little cow and loves to help out whenever she can. It’s not uncommon to see her holding tools far too big for her to try to help with building projects, or to see her struggle to lift things many times her size. Always determined, no matter what, she will help you! A rare quality for the usually-lazy comfy-types.

Toastmy's profile picture

Glenn and I have been worried sick about you kids, please update us as soon as you can. Glenn’s been pacing back and forth thinking about this and the hearing. I don’t like seeing him like this, he’s usually so cheery…

Ember's Profile Picture

Sorry Toastmy, we just got back. We’re at my place, and we made it out okay.

Toastmy's profile picture

Thank the Grands. I’ll let Glenn know right away

Glenn's Profile Picture

My friends, I hope you’re not hurt. Were you seen? How did it go? Glenn

Kane's Profile Picture

Those of us without shapeshifting kept to locked rooms and empty hallways. I told you we’d be safe and we were. I’ve been there enough times to know where and when to be to not get caught.

Which is to say, I told you so.

This is Od on Kane’s MM btw.

Toastmy's profile picture

All of you are unharmed? Can everybody confirm this please?

Ember's Profile Picture

I just sent Kane and Od to pick up pizza, idk if they have their devices on them.

Kane's Profile Picture

Never leave home without it! We’re okay Toastmy 🙂 It was scary but we did it.

Cole's Profile Picture

I almost got caught for a second but Od pulled me back in time lol

Kane's Profile Picture

I left home without it. This is Od again. Yeah Cole almost fuckin blew it but I put him in his place

Cole's Profile Picture

Literally haha. Thank yyoouuu

Ember's Profile Picture

Keep the door open you guys for god’s sake.

Kane's Profile Picture

Come on guys, you’re guests don’t be rude. Although I guess that’s karma. Remind you of anything, Ember?

Ember's Profile Picture

Yeah, it does but is Od asking or is that really Kane lol

Kane's Profile Picture

It’s me. Od, I mean. Never forgetting my phone at home again

Glenn's Profile Picture

You kiddos seem in high spirits! I’m so relieved and happy you’re all okay. Thank you for being careful.

Ember's Profile Picture

Of course, Glenn. Don’t forget Od and I are adults lol

Glenn's Profile Picture

That can’t be right, If you’re adults then I’m an old man! LOL

Toastmy's profile picture

Can the rest of you please confirm you’re okay? I want to be sure…

Catherine's Profile Picture

Im okay dont worry so much

Toastmy's profile picture

Monommy too please…

Bunpopmy's profile picture

We’re all fine, dear. WE were never in danger.

Mienmy's profile picture

That’s dangerous thinking, Bunpopmy. Take it from me, they CAN capture you and torture isn’t a far leap from there…

We’re okay, Toastmy.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Right… I’m sorry

Mienmy's profile picture

It’s okay. I know we’re all in relief mode right now. I get it.

Virusmy's profile picture

We’re all good in pizza town! I’ve never had it before is it good?

Bunpopmy's profile picture

It’s SO good Ember ate nothing but it for a month once

Ember's Profile Picture

That was an expensive month. And a sad month. And not something we share with everyone, Bunpopmy.

Kane's Profile Picture

It’s Od. Was that before or after Monommy?

Ember's Profile Picture


Kane's Profile Picture

Od again. …it wasn’t january was it?

Ember's Profile Picture

It was. We can talk about this some other time, maybe? Maybe when you’re not using Kane’s Monommy Machine?

Kane's Profile Picture

Right, sorry. We’re on our way back. Tell Warpmy to pick up her chat thing.

Ember's Profile Picture

Will do.

Warpmy's profile picture

Yeah Toastmy we’re all fine.

Toastmy's profile picture

Thank you I’m very relieved to hear that. I trust Drazaleamy is okay too?

Cole's Profile Picture

She’s all good, she’s napping in Ember’s bed rn

Ember's Profile Picture

…well at least it’ll smell like flowers.

Glenn's Profile Picture

I’m happy to have one less load off this old camel’s back LOL.

Save a slice of that pizza for ol’ Glenn! Hahaha just messing around, you don’t need to save me a slice, I’m in Wisconsin!

Glenn's Profile Picture

I’m still waiting on that phone call for Maia…

Toastmy is with her and Dana right now, they’re playing some funny lookin game. I could use something to read, so tell me what you kiddos found on your little heist.

Od's Profile Picture

Sure thing. I’ll look the files over and fill everybody in once we’re done with dinner.

Shouldn’t be long, I’m excited to look over these.

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