#112 – Retaimy

#111 - Moomy
#113 - Devastamy
Retaimy, Monommy #112, a mom class divine-type, shown here in its White form
White form Retaimy, the “retainer” Monommy

#098 – Retaimy

Retaimy, a mom class divine-type Monommy with many different shapes split between two different coloured forms. Unlike most Monommy, Retaimy is not the only one of her kind. Retaimy are said to be the servants of the Grands, carrying out their orders to assist in the maintenance of the balance of the universe. If you see a Retaimy working on something, its best to leave them to it, as it’s said that Retaimy are still carrying out orders that The Grand Mother gave them at the dawn of time. If a Retaimy approaches you and seems calm, it is said to be good luck, as the universe is happy. Sometimes, Retaimy are white with gold eyes. This is called their White form. Sometimes, Retaimy are black with silver eyes. This is called their Black form. It’s unknown why they change between these forms, but their Special Attack changes alongside their colours.

Retaimy, Monommy #112, a mom class divine-type, shown here in its Black form
Black form Retaimy, the “retainer” Monommy

Retaimy come in six different forms: Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, King, and Queen. Pawn Retaimy are similar to robots, and carry out simple tasks. Knight, Bishop, and Rook Retaimy are much more complex Monommy than their simple-minded Pawn sisters, and act much like most other Monommy do, with their own lives, thoughts, emotions, and such. However, it is the King and Queen Retaimy who are capable of much more advanced thought and tactics. When a King or Queen Retaimy is present, Knight, Bishop, and Rook Retaimy lose their individualism and become similar to stray Pawns. However, when a full set of eight Pawns, two Knights, two Bishops, and two Rooks are lead by both a King and a Queen, they are capable of incredible divine magic that can rewrite local laws of physics, and even access types of magic completely unknown to mortals. It’s thought that the Grand Mother controls them directly when in this state.

Od's Profile Picture

Right, well, we all did some digging and Catherine was lucky enough to stumble onto this physical file I’m holding now.

Most of the other stuff we found was coordinates and numbers I’ll have to go through with Virusmy later, and the rest is lots of stuff we already know, like Monommy data that Twin Star could have just looked up online…

But anyways, this file has information in it about an old project. The only problem is, I don’t have a name or reference number and it looks like it’s the second half of a bigger, complete file.

Catherine's Profile Picture

I promise I didn’t drop the other half.

Od's Profile Picture

Yeah we had a long talk about that already, she didn’t lose it. Allegedly.

Catherine's Profile Picture


Od's Profile Picture

She didn’t lol

Anyways it seems to have been cut off right in the middle of a sentence, which must have been on another page. What’s striking to me about this is that it’s talking about a wish? Far from the usual sterile no nonsense sciencey stuff they’re usually on. The sentence that’s cut off says “…a wish was made, doubling its strength and breaking our seal on it.”

Then it talks about some kind of cult that worships some entity – some of these notes call it a god – and you’ll never guess what the name is.

Glenn's Profile Picture

Oh, that Rick guy! That’s bad news.

Od's Profile Picture

It’s Reklauzolth, but yeah, sure, Rick, why not. The same thing ChronoKinmy warned us about. It seems like Twin Star has known about this thing for longer than us, though. The date printed on the top of the page is shortly after the first sky wound incident, too. But it gets weirder, I’ll get to that.

Od's Profile Picture

The really interesting bit here is that it talks a lot about the early days of Twin Star. I actually never thought to look into it much before, but it goes into some details about why it was formed as a government agency. Interesting stuff. It says that Cherise Caulfield, the Twin Star president, formed Twin Star after her personal studies showed that , and I quote:

“the effects of Dark Star, especially their anomalous spacetime warping capabilities, pose an innate threat to the future of mankind, and thus it is in our best interests to research potential contingency protocols to protect our home. We must study Dark Star so that we may match its capabilities and control it for the betterment of mankind. To become it’s twin and change the world as we see fit. Thus came the name, Twin Star.”

Seems a bit grandiose doesn’t it? But interesting nonetheless.

Ember's Profile Picture

Dark Star sounds familiar, wasn’t it in the FIREFIGHT files too?

Od's Profile Picture

I think so. I’ll have to check later.

Glenn's Profile Picture

Sounds like more spooky anomaly stuff… I wish we didn’t have to live in this time. I wish this world was kinder to you kiddos. I can take it but it brings a tear to my eye to know that we’re passing on such an ugly torch…

Kane's Profile Picture

We’re holding that torch together, Glenn. We can make it better. Somehow.

Glenn's Profile Picture

I like to think so too, Kane. You’re a good kid.

Od's Profile Picture

The files talk about the sky wound incident, too. As if it’s related to Dark Star somehow.

Cole's Profile Picture

How is any of this relevant to our search for the omnimaster? Or the chosen one or whatever

Od's Profile Picture

I’m getting to that.

Od's Profile Picture

So it talks about the Sky Wound Incident, right? But there’s something weird about it. It’s talking about the first wound that opened over boston. It doesn’t say boston but the description lines up perfectly. It opened up, some people saw an eye, others didn’t, it sealed, three inches of blood, blah blah blah. Talks about people panicking and Twin Star having to inform the public since it was so public, all of that. It was the first wound over boston for sure.

EXCEPT! I know Twin Star, and they’re very particular with their word choice, so I know it’s not a mistake. It says: “after the wish, the sky tore open *again*.”

Ember's Profile Picture

Boston wasn’t the first sky gash?

Od's Profile Picture

Not according to Twin Star.

But it gets better, because the very next bit says:

“This marks the first appearance of a spatial injury *within Earth’s atmosphere*, and due to their tendency to appear above us, the public name of this type of anomaly is to be henceforth referred to as a “Sky Wound”. Studies of this second, planetary wound as well as the first wounds detected outside our solar system seem to support Dr.Caulfield’s previous observations of the anomalous effects of Dark Star, being that it can alter reality, which in turn causes these bizarre and violent masses of flesh and fractured spacetime to manifest.”

Cole's Profile Picture

What the fuck man

Od's Profile Picture

Yeah, I’m not sure what to make of that. It’s weird.

Od's Profile Picture

It also says that only the members of Caulfield’s elite council had access to this document, and only the five of them ever knew about Dark Star, whatever it is.

Kane's Profile Picture

Well now we know too.

Od's Profile Picture

Yes but it’s not just us and them. There’s someone else.

Apparently when Dark Star ‘activates’ it sends a ripple of anomalous wavelengths and energy out, which is probably what alters reality to begin with. That’s what they’re calling the ‘wish’, it’s what makes the Dark Star do what it does. According to this, one day while they were observing it and studying it, it suddenly activated, as if a wish was made. But they didn’t activate it.

Ember's Profile Picture

Who activated it if it wasn’t Twin Star?

Od's Profile Picture

No idea. They don’t know either, but they really want to find whoever it is. That’s why they’ve been kidnapping people. Anybody associated with ‘anomalies’.

That explains why they’re targeting monomasters, since they see Monommy as anomallies. They’re kidnapping and torturing people to find out whoever they’re calling ‘the catalyst’ is. These files seem to imply that they somehow caused the boston sky wound…

Ember's Profile Picture

By activating Dark Star, I assume

Od's Profile Picture

There’s a section in this that’s snipped directly out of some old book or something. It says:

“The wishmaker shall bring forth Reklauzolth, we shall gaze upon the beauty of Reklauzolth, and we shall rejoice.”

And the snippet is circled in pen, like, a LOT. So much it left an imprint on the folder. Just below that it says:

“International laws are to be ignored in pursuit of the catalyst. Find them at any cost and immediately bring them to Cherise Caulfield. Everything is authorized in pursuit of this goal, including but not limited to torture and murder. You will not be punished. You are immune from the world’s laws, and Twin Star will provide you with lavish rewards. Retrieve the catalyst and secure our future. Your future. Any employees uttering the phrase ‘find the wishmaker’ are to be immediately brought to Site A and personally executed.”

Ember's Profile Picture

Jesus christ.

Glenn's Profile Picture

This is a lot to take in. I’m sorry my friends but I should take a break from this.

Kane's Profile Picture

That’s alright Glenn. It’s… heavy.

Od's Profile Picture

One last thing – it ends with another piece of the old paper, and it says:

“the wishmaker’s wish shall serve both themself as well as Reklauzolth, for we are all Reklauzolth. For we are one. Reklauzolth is all. We are all. We are Reklauzolth. A wish for great power. An exchange for our new home.”

Then Twin Star basically outright says that the catalyst has to be the wishmaker, and goes on to detail that the catalyst, having ‘wished for great power’, has power and control over the anomalies, and thus needs to be neutralized and studied.

Sounds like they want to make another Bestiemy style weapon but with something way more powerful than a Monommy.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Well thats fucking horrifying

Ember's Profile Picture

Find the wishmaker… I’ve heard that a lot lately.

Kane's Profile Picture

I heard it the other day with the voices too.

Od's Profile Picture

It’s concerning for sure. An anomalous cult. Great. We really needed yet another group against us.

Cole's Profile Picture

So that’s what you meant when you said you’d get to it? The catalyst, right?

Od's Profile Picture

Yeah. Clearly the catalyst is in danger, or they are themselves dangerous… or both.

idk but we can’t let Twin Star get their hands on them either way.

Toastmy's profile picture

We cannot let the same fate befall them as did Guardiamy. If not for their sake then for everyone’s sake.

Ember's Profile Picture

It’s bad enough having anomalies open up everywhere… imagine if it was happening on purpose, as a weapon. A weapon you can aim.

Cole's Profile Picture

Fuck Twin Star so much man. I’m gonna fuckin kill em all.

Ember's Profile Picture

Cole, I know how you feel, but reel it in a bit. We still have a job to do.

Od, I take it you think this catalyst, wishmaker, whatever, is the omnimaster too, yeah?

Od's Profile Picture

I was thinking that, you know me so well~

Ember's Profile Picture

They basically have to be. Wished for great power, has great power… I know the chaos-types ARENT Monommy, BUT – they sort of claim to be, and if the omnimaster can pact with ALL Monommy, then… well, in theory…

Od's Profile Picture

Chaos-types aren’t Monommy. We know that.


if anybody could control them, it’d be the omnimaster. Which lines up with their claim that the catalyst has control over the anomalies.

Warpmy's profile picture

What if the catalyst is part of the Reklauzolth cult? They seem to hold this wishmaker in high regard, no? ChronoKinmy was pretty explicit about Reklauzolth being the enemy.

Od's Profile Picture

No, why else would THEY be looking for the wishmaker too? They seem desperate to find them, there’s no way they’re a member if they don’t know where they are.

I don’t think they’re aligned with the cult, I think the cult wants to use them to bring forth Reklauzolth. They said so themselves.

Virusmy's profile picture

They’ve been looking for a long time, too. If my friends were looking for me for a long time I’d come out and reveal myself. They’re clearly hiding from this cult. And from Twin Star.

Ember's Profile Picture

Well, sucks to be them, but they’ve got 3 groups looking for them now. Let’s do what we can to find them first.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

We have the power to protect them, and they’re more than likely who we’ve been looking for. We MUST find them first.

Od's Profile Picture

Agreed. From now on if you find any hint of a monomaster, you track them down and test them to see if they can pact with multiple Monommy. Priority number 1.

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