#114 – Arrrrmy

#113 - Devastamy
#115 - Quietmy
Arrrrmy, Monommy #114, a mama class brutal-type
Arrrrmy, the “pirate” Monommy

#099 – Arrrrmy

Arrrrmy, a mama class brutal-type Monommy who used to be two Monommy by the names of Octopmy and Captaimy. Long ago, Captaimy went on a voyage to an archipelago in the open seas of Frewosz in search of treasure and glory. Upon arriving at the archipelago, Captaimy was lured by the siren call of Octopmy, ultimately causing her to crash her ship upon the jagged rocks of the shoreline. Captaimy, however, survived. Now stranded on a hostile deserted island with no means of returning home, Captaimy sought revenge on the siren that lured her to her demise. After many moons had passed, Captaimy had finally found and cornered Octopmy. It was then that Captaimy saw the sadness in Octopmy’s eyes. She never wished to lure her to her doom, she was only calling out for a friend.

Captaimy set aside her lust for revenge, and instead worked alongside Octopmy to make the most of their situation. Eventually, this cooperation grew into a friendship. That friendship grew into them becoming best friends. And finally, after much time alone together, that best friendship became a romance unlike any other. One night as the two were gazing up at the stars, Octopmy told Captaimy that she found a piece of her ship in the nearby coral reef. Captaimy took one look at it and immediately understood what had happened: the ship’s rudder control was dismantled, and still attached to one of its bolts was a wrench. Captaimy was instantly filled with rage. Disastmy was behind this. Octopmy tried to calm her down, saying ‘but surely this was a good thing! Our love would not have come to be if not for her meddling.’ To which Captaimy replied ‘I was coming to the island anyways. We could have met, fallen in love, and then returned to my home and we would never be lonely again.’ Then Octopmy, too, had grown a lust for revenge.

The two scoured the island until they found their answer: a magical golden door, hidden deep in the jungle. Inside that door was a mystical artifact, a link to Mummymy. Captaimy grabbed the artifact and spoke to Mummymy, demanding she bless Octopmy and herself with an enchantment to allow them to pursue Disastmy. Mummymy warned them, “there are some who consider my enchantments curses, and others who consider my curses enchantments.” Captaimy and Octopmy accepted this, and their enchantment was bestowed upon them. Now they have the ability to conjure up a powerful, spectral vessel, the pirate ship to end all pirate ships, and they use its might to brave the harsh waters and conquer the seas in search of revenge against Disastmy. However, their curse melded their bodies together. They each lost half of their limbs. Yet, it took them until they were in peaceful waters to even notice that they had collectively become the pirate queen Arrrrmy. They could not exist without the other now, but it mattered not: they did not want to exist without the other now. Some say they abandoned their quest for revenge long ago, and are merely using it as an excuse to have an extended honeymoon.

Ember's Profile Picture

The voices thing happened again last night. Did any of you experience that?

Od's Profile Picture

Yeah, I’m pretty sure I recognized some of your… voices isn’t the right word.

Kane's Profile Picture

Everybody sounds the same but also so different

Ember's Profile Picture

I can still tell it was you talking though, Kane

Kane's Profile Picture

I knew it was you, too

Cole's Profile Picture

So did you guys hear *everything* I was thinking or

Ember's Profile Picture

Yes. Unfortunately.

Od's Profile Picture

Ugh yes we heard your gross teenage mind

Kane's Profile Picture


Catherine's Profile Picture


Cole's Profile Picture

….sorry. I’m glad you didn’t hear more than that at least

Od's Profile Picture

If it’s so easy for our passive thoughts to leak out like that when that happens I’m kind of worried that someone might try to track us down.

Ember's Profile Picture

Same. This chat is secure, I know, but how secure can it be if our own thoughts are… broadcasted out like that

Glenn's Profile Picture

I felt it this time too. Like hundreds or thousands of people were all talking at once, in my noggin. Dana and Maia seemed to hear them too. I could hear their confused little worries… it was scary.

Od's Profile Picture

I wonder what causes that to happen. It’s clearly an anomaly but what can we do to protect ourselves from everyone hearing our thoughts?

Ember's Profile Picture

I’ve heard a few of the voices repeat something about a defensive thought pattern. They just repeat it over and over. I suggest we do that next time this broadcasted thinking thing happens. Just keep thinking the same thing over and over until it passes.

Catherine's Profile Picture

That’s a good idea. Like going “nananana im not listening” lol

Od's Profile Picture

I hope that’ll work. I could’ve sworn this one lasted longer. I hope I’m wrong

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