#116 – Immolmy

#115 - Quietmy
#117 - Spectremy
Immolmy, Monommy #116, a mama class elemental-type
Immolmy, the “immolation” Monommy

#101 – Immolmy

MONOMMY GUIDE ENTRY DATA TEXT???????????????????????????????????

Ember's Profile Picture

This feels fucking impossible. Why the fuck did she have to pick us?

Catherine's Profile Picture

Kane’s messed up Monommy Machine. That’s why

Kane's Profile Picture

I didn’t want to be chosen either guys

Cole's Profile Picture

You’re not even the chosen one youre just ‘linked’ whatever the fuck that means

Od's Profile Picture

We sort of chose to get involved when we pacted with our Monommy

Catherine's Profile Picture

Like we could’ve known this would happen…

Ember's Profile Picture

There’s always a catch

Cole's Profile Picture

Still the best thing that ever happened to me.

Od's Profile Picture

It’s a blessing and a curse, to be sure

Toastmy's profile picture

I hope you don’t think of us as a curse :c

Kane's Profile Picture

We don’t, it’s just stressful. It’s a lot of responsibility, having the fate of the world on our shoulders.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

In Frewosz that was normal. A heroic human would rise and save the day, every time.

Ember's Profile Picture

Yeah, and that’s a fun fantasy, but it’s less fun when everyone you know and love is on the line. Frewosz isn’t real. This is.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

You know, it’s not easy for us, either. How would you like it if suddenly you woke up in another world and you’re told that your whole life up to that point was just a story in someone’s game?

Ember's Profile Picture

At least you got to live in your fantasy world for a while. I’ve been stuck suffering on Earth my whole life. You’re just upset that suddenly things matter.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Life on Frewosz mattered. What’s to say Earth is even real anyways? You don’t know that for sure. We sure didn’t.

Virusmy's profile picture

I can actually verify that this is the real world. Code tastes different when it’s made of strings and particles rather than data.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

I don’t need input from you.

Virusmy's profile picture

What’s that supposed to mean??

Bunpopmy's profile picture

You’re not from Frewosz, you don’t know what it’s like.

Virusmy's profile picture

If Monommy didn’t arrive in this world I wouldn’t have been born, though. I’m still one of you.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Are you? How do we even know you’re not an anomaly? Or still programmed to send data to Twin Star?

Kane's Profile Picture

Hey, back off.

Ember's Profile Picture

Bunpopmy, that’s enough.

Virusmy's profile picture

I’m a Monommy, same as you. I’m on your side.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

In Frewosz we didn’t have sides. We didn’t have these horrible monsters we can’t even see. Humans weren’t attacking and killing us. I want to go back.

Ember's Profile Picture

You can’t go back, it wasn’t real.

Mienmy's profile picture

Oh we’re just conveniently forgetting the war YOUR Type started I see…

Bunpopmy's profile picture

oh the GOTH TYPE wants to talk about starting wars? ever heard of the original sin? Does Evistromy ring a bell?

and why should Earth be the real one?! Why not Frewosz? Frewosz was sweet and happy and nice and Earth is just… so horrible

Ember's Profile Picture

I’m sorry that the REAL WORLD is a place where grown men and women overcome tragedy and suffering, and not some girly little wimp shit like you so desperately want it to be, you pampered princess.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Being girly isnt a bad thing, Ember.

You know, maybe people wouldn’t second guess that you’re a girl if you acted more like one


Od kicked Bunpopmy from the group

Od's Profile Picture

I’m coming over, Ember. That okay?

Ember's Profile Picture


Kane's Profile Picture

I don’t like when they fight…

Cole's Profile Picture

Bunpopmy was being an asshole. If Od hadn’t gone over I would’ve stepped in and dealt with her.

Glenn's Profile Picture

Friends, I know this is a lot weighing on us right now, but try to be thoughtful of each other’s feelings. Always think before you speak, even when you’re angry. A real man (or woman!) knows how to speak calmly.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Well… This is awkward now.

Kane's Profile Picture

Yeah I’m not used to the chat being empty for like a full day

Cole's Profile Picture

Well… what’s up?

Kane's Profile Picture

Not much.

Virusmy and I went to visit a monomaster today, he wasn’t the omnimaster. He was nice though, and gave us his partner Prismatmy’s drop if we ever want to summon her.

Cole's Profile Picture

That’s cool

Toastmy's profile picture

Oh my Grands I have an amazing thing to share! Do you remember when I was telling you folks about Hatchmy and how we weren’t sure how she was being summoned? What a funny coincidence it was, because Hatchmy showed up in Glenn’s backyard when Dana and Maia were playing, because it turns out that Maia has Hatchmy’s drop! We never thought to ask her what with the whole adoption process going on.

Kane's Profile Picture

Oh that’s good to hear. How’s Hatchmy’s amnesia?

Toastmy's profile picture

It’s the same as mine, I’m afraid. Neither of us have remembered much else. But it’s nice to have a friend who can truly understand.

Virusmy's profile picture

How’s the adoption process going, Glenn?

Glenn's Profile Picture

It’s going well, I think. We have one more meeting with the social worker before she’s officially a Clive. It’s been an emotional year for us, but I’m happy I can be here to make our little family happy.

Toastmy's profile picture

A family that keeps growing it seems. There’s six of us in the house now haha

Kane's Profile Picture

It’s good to hear some good news for a change 🙂

Cole's Profile Picture

speaking of good news

I solved a problem we didn’t know we had

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