#118 – Agilimy

#117 - Spectremy
#119 - Orcharmy
Agilimy, Monommy #118, a mom class cyber-type
Agilimy, the “agility” Monommy

#103 – Agilimy


Establishing Connection…

23/11/20██ 6:08am
A teenage boy armed with what appears to be anomalous body parts began a violent rampage in the town of Heavensview. This rampage has continued throughout the night and is now reaching its second day with no end in sight.

Local police were informed by Twin Star Contingency Research that a man they had been searching for matched the description of the believed perpetrator of an anomalous series of cattle mutilations. The police then sent Officer Carl Roberts and Constable Patricia Lee to investigate after receiving an anonymous tip that the perpetrator was due to strike again on Tuesday night, when Officer Roberts was attacked and killed. Constable Lee managed to escape the encounter and report back, although her status and whereabouts are presently unknown.


UPDATE 23/11/20██ 10:46am
It has been confirmed that the boy in question is Cole Lambton of Heavensview, WA. This was confirmed by onlookers and friends of Delilah Lambton, the mother of the attacker, who succumbed to her injuries and passed away early this morning in Heavensview General Hospital’s emergency room. The injuries which lead to Delilah’s death consist of slash wounds displaying plant-like patterns consistent with the previous cattle mutilations, as well as a large third degree burn on the face. These are all consistent with Lambton’s reported anomalous abilities, believed to be related to the Monommy known as “Drazaleamy.”

Cole Lambton is still at large and does not seem to be losing stamina in his rampage. The death toll is estimated to be in the mid-300s at the time of this writing, and he does not seem to be slowing down. Lambton seems to be killing anyone he sees, only allowing children to run from him without harm. Although he appears to be killing indiscriminately, Lambton seems to prioritize killing members of the newly popular religious organization Gathered Enlightened, a religion that believe the Sky Wounds to be a blessing from God. Anyone who knew Lambton prior to this incident is advised to leave Heavensview immediately, as he is capable of flight and can cross the town quickly.

Some survivors have reported that Lambton appears tired and upset, as if he’d been crying. Some have even said that Lambton appears like he’s “about to collapse any second”, with others reporting having seen bullet wounds on his exposed back. Despite this, footage from our helicopters have shown him continuing to fight, run, and fly seemingly unbothered.

Several squads of police and SWAT teams have been sent to take down the anomalous teen, but to no avail. All teams sent in have reported 100% casualty rates, causing many law enforcement groups to second guess the option of sending in more men.

It would appear as though this falls under Twin Star’s jurisdiction, however, when approached for comment, Twin Star responded stating “The threat is not yet significant enough for us to send out strike teams. Please stay inside and away from anomalous entities.”

Thousands of people across the world are expressing their distaste with the official statement, with many citing its coldness and lack of empathy, and others questioning why the world’s governments pay Twin Star if they’re not willing to step in during situations such as this.

Video recordings of the rampage are being taken down almost as quickly as they’re uploaded, sparking concerns that Twin Star is indeed acting on the situation, but by hiding it. These concerns are legally unsubstantiated, and STR News does not claim them to be valid or choose to side with them. However, STR News was able to intercept a video showing the grisly aftermath of Lambton’s assault on the local mall which showed Lambton holding what looked to be a man in SWAT gear up by the neck, shouting flame in his face.

The recording clearly captures Lambton: “Bring me the chosen one! The wishmaker! The catalyst! Whoever they are! The world is at stake you fucking useless pig!” The officer’s body collapsed to the ground midway through Lambton’s shouting, falling apart due to the heat of the flames.

In a follow up post online, Twin Star has urged the public not to panic, and that although this is the second spree of mass murder committed by an anomalous human, they claim that there’s no reason to believe it to be a pattern, and they urge all people of the world to report anomalous individuals on sight. They remind us to never approach any anomalous entity, even if you knew said person before they started showing anomalous features. Interestingly, they have begun using the term “monomaster” to refer to such human based anomalies. The term monomaster originates from the Monommy franchise, and is a registered trademark of Clear Seed Entertainment. It would seem as though Twin Star is backing out of their denial of the connection between the real world anomalous lifeforms and the fictional Monommy.


UPDATE 23/11/20██ 12:52pm
A group of two monomasters and two Monommy have approached Lambton and are attempting to reason with him. He seems to be willing to listen to other monomasters, as his violence has come to a pause.


UPDATE 23/11/20██ 1:20pm
After a violent struggle between monomasters and Monommy, Lambton has struck down and seriously injured the group that approached him. He seems to be winded from the encounter, and has let the group escape with their lives. There have been reports of the Monommy Drazaleamy, who Lambton seems to share abilities with, around the skies of Heavensview.


BREAKING: UPDATE 23/11/20██ 2:36pm
A second team of monomasters have approached Lambton, and for the first time since the attack began, Lambton’s wings and blades have retracted. They’re talking, and although no electronic equipment can pick up what they’re saying, a few brave souls close to the action have been updating us online. They seem to know Lambton, and are attempting to reason with him. Watch this space for updates.

STR News Editorial Note: The reporters in charge of this story are now refusing to acknowledge anomalous humans by any term other than “monomaster”. This is the decision of the individuals in question and STR News does not condone or endorse such phrasing. STR News is not affiliated with any pro anomaly individual or organization.

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