#119 – Orcharmy

#118 - Agilimy
#120 - Xmy
Orcharmy, Monommy #119, a mother class nature-type
Orcharmy, the “orchard” Monommy

#104 – Orcharmy

Please don’t hurt him…

Virusmy's profile picture

Connection Stable. Patching you through to TSS-7

Catherine's Profile Picture

What are you talking about? You’re not Virusmy are you whats going on with Cole

Mienmy's profile picture

Virusmy I thought you were over there with the others

Virusmy's profile picture

VIRUSMY is BUSY. WE are providing YOU with INFORMATION. Please wait for the connection with the satellite to stabilize. I will transcribe the video and audio feeds for you.

Glenn's Profile Picture

Who are you if you’re not Virusmy?

Virusmy's profile picture

WE are FRIENDS. WE are HERE to HELP you.

We’re friends of Virusmy. She just doesn’t realize it yet.

Mienmy's profile picture

So much for the chat being secure

Virusmy's profile picture

It is still secure. Virusmy is not. But I will fix this as well.


Virusmy's profile picture

TSS-7 Feed: Audio Online

“Remember we just want to talk. No magic. No fighting.”

“I’m ready to fight if I have to”

“Let’s make it so we don’t have to.”

TSS-7 Feed: Video Online. Transcribing accordingly using available MINDLINK processors…

Mienmy's profile picture

MINDLINK? That’s Cyber-type tech

Intersection of Pinefall and Sapling Streets, Heavensview, Washington. There are 14 living individuals, 10 humans and 4 Monommy. No visible signs of Reklauzolth Influence. Notably the environment is riddled with human bodies, freshly deceased.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Can you describe the living individuals?


Catherine's Profile Picture

Are you showing us what’s going on with Cole?


4 humans are speaking. 3 Monommy are speaking, the 4th Monommy is circling the area approximately 80 feet off the ground. It seems to be avoiding detection. The remaining six humans are hiding and typing on their phones. It seems like there’s a field of Cyber-type magic preventing information from flowing properly, but we have a bypass for that, allowing this connection.

Monommy Machine API reports back: Warpmy, Monommy #065, a mom class arcane-type. Bunpopmy, Monommy #054, a mommy class elemental-type. Drazaleamy, Monommy #096, a mama class nature-type. Virusmy, Monommy #?127, a mom class cyber-type, recently registered.

2 humans have been registered as family members of Twin Star employees: Anthony Cobb, registered son of Mason Cobb, Anomalous Research department. Kane Redwoods, registered son of Derek Redwoods, Accounting department.

Mienmy's profile picture

Please call her Odette Cobb. Let’s pretend we didn’t see that, for Od’s sake.


Toastmy's profile picture

They’re confronting him?! I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all.

1 other human registered on Twin Star’s Wanted List, identified as Cole Lambton.

Catherine's Profile Picture

The last talking human must be Ember

Noted other individual as “Ember”
Assigning voice profiles to known individuals…
Established. Commencing direct feed.

Odette: No, this doesn’t need to go any further. You can stop and we can go somewhere they can’t find us and we can talk this out.

Cole: You really think we’ll find the omnimaster like that? We need to hunt them down!

Ember: We’ve been searching and we’ll keep searching, but fighting every person you come across is not the way to do it

Cole: I’m not fighting anybody, I’m culling the weak

Kane: These people did nothing to you! Wh

Cole: They did everything to me! And to you! We could be so much better than what we’ve just been accepting as normal!

Cole points at Odette.

Cole: You can teleport anywhere! You have limitless potential and you barely use it!

Cole points at Kane.

Cole: You have a fucking unknown Monommy! Your powers have limitless potential! Have you even tried reprogramming real world objects?? No, you don’t even use your powers most of the time.

Cole points at Ember.

Cole: And YOU! You were famous before Monommy was real! You had a life doing what you loved and you got to be happy! And now your dream of living in the Monommy world is real and you COMPLAIN that you have to be the hero of the story?!

Ember: Its not like that, Cole. First of all, I didn

Cole: I don’t want to hear it! Our dream finally becomes reality and we get to live in a world with Monommy, and you stupid assholes just want things to stay how they were. You want to limit yourselves and live among the regular people. You want to be normal. Well I never had the fucking chance to be normal! And now I’m better than that. I’m stronger than that. I’m not the scum of the earth, I’m not human. Humans hurt each other. Abuse each other. Oppress each other. Well now I’m done with that. We’re better than them.

Bunpopmy: Monomasters weren’t better than other humans in Frewosz and they aren’t better here.

Cole: Monomasters in Frewosz were characters in a kids game. This is real.

Warpmy: Catherine is upset, you know.

Cole: She’ll understand when I explain it to her. Where is she? Why isn’t she here with you?

Odette: She’s safe. Back in saskatchewan. I didn’t bring her here.

Cole: Bring her here now.

Odette: Yeah, we’re not doing that.

Cole: Why?

Odette: I don’t think it’s a good idea. Look, Cole, we want to help you out here but look around you.

Cole turns around and looks at the bodies.

Ember: Do you seriously think what you’re doing isn’t hurting people?

Cole: It’s not the same.

Odette: Why isn’t it the same, Cole?

Cole: Th-they… They weren’t like us. You don’t understand, this town has been awful to me my entire life. Abusing me. Treating me like I’m garbage and making me scared to be my-myself.

Ember: I can relate to that, Cole.

Cole: No you can’t. You don’t get it.

Ember: I do get it. In my home town I was assaulted for how I looked several times, and I was constantly bullied in school. Even my parents treated me like shit. I moved out of my home town the second I turned eighteen. Life wasn’t easy for me just because I was semi famous in the gaming community online. I’ll admit, the extra money helped me to leave town, but starting over all alone like that was really hard. But I managed to do it, and I’m a lot happier now. Od helped me to achieve that, and we can help you get there too. You’re not alone.

Cole: I… I don’t think I can do that

Ember: You can. You can change anything about yourself, if it’s something you truly want.

Odette: That’s true. Even if it’s something people tell you you can’t change.

Cole: What do you mean?

Odette: Well, I mean that you can change. For instance, people used to think I was a guy. So I changed how they viewed me. It took some time and effort but I got there.
This is different. I-I can’t go back now. I…

Cole collapses to his knees. Drazaleamy lands on the ground between Cole and the others, adopting an aggressive stance.

Kane: Easy, Drazaleamy. We don’t want to fight you.

Drazaleamy lets out a loud roar.

Cole: You… don’t want to fight her.

Wings emerge from Cole’s back.

Cole: You don’t want to fight me either, do you?

Odette: Of course not, Cole! We’re a team-

Cole: That’s what you said before telling Glenn and Catherine to stall. So you could take my phone.

Kane’s right arm starts letting off green and cyan light particles.

Cole: Yeah.

Cole pulls out a small device of some sort, too small to see details.

Cole: Drazaleamy coughed up one of the chatpads she ate. I kept it just in case.

Odette: Shit.

Cole: Just a distraction, huh?

Blades emerge from Cole’s arms.

Cole: Yeah, you wouldn’t want to fight us, would you?

Ember pulls up her hands in a fighting stance. Bunpopmy follows suit. A warp portal appears behind Cole, which he does not react to.

Odette: We don’t want to fight, Cole. We want you to stop this killing.

Ember: I meant what I said, Cole! We can help you!

Cole: Yeah…

Cole’s wings spread out

Cole: That’s what my mom said too.

Drazaleamy unleashes a stream of flames from her mouth directly at Odette and Warpmy.

Odette flicks her arms up and a portal appears in front of her, absorbing the flames. The portal behind Cole spews the flames onto Cole’s wings. Cole lets out a scream and retracts his wings.

Cole: Fuck you, Od!

Ember: STOP!

Ember’s scream is projected forward in a pink flash of sonic waves that knock Cole down on his back. Drazaleamy dodges and takes off to the sky once again.

Ember stops her scream attack and Bunpopmy continues it. Ember catches her breath, she is noticeably winded. The pink flash pulses seem to be holding Cole down against the pavement.

Cole is struggling to lift his arms to his ears.

Ember: He’s exhausted. (heavy breath) The only reason the cops and Kai’s team couldn’t take him down (heavy breath) was that they didn’t get (heavy breath) Drazaleamy at all.

Odette: Keep Cole incapacitated, then. Kane, we’re on Drazaleamy. As long as they’re pacted and she’s staying out of danger they won’t stop.

Warpmy: They won’t stop anyways, will they?

Kane: Don’t say that.

Drazaleamy swoops down and tackles directly into Bunpopmy, knocking her down the road.

Cole gets up and bring his wings back out to pounce on Ember.

Kane: NO!

Kane thrusts his arm forward and a massive pair of jaws with glowing green teeth appear out of the pixels emanating from his arm. The glowing jaw bites down on Cole and dissipates into little sparks of green electricity. Cole is stunned and falls off of Ember.

Ember jumps to her feet and screams, pinning Cole down again. Cole’s hands are covering his ears and he’s able to resist the force of the sonic waves somewhat, getting up on his knees.

Odette: Soul sync! Summon! Cactmy!

A flash of blinding light inexplicably covers the entire area and when it fades, a green humanoid figure is standing next to Warpmy and Odette.

Monommy Machine API reports back: Cactmy, Monommy #056, a mommy class nature-type.

Odette points at Cole and then at Drazaleamy.

Odette: The dragons! The others are friends!

Cactmy: I thought I was supposed to the tough one in Nature-type.

Drazaleamy roars and pounces on Cactmy, who manages to hold her back. Drazaleamy is snapping at Cactmy with her sharp teeth. Cactmy manages to hold Drazaleamy’s mouth, stopping it from biting down on her arm.

Cactmy: Vicious little thing aren’t ya?!

Cactmy throws Drazaleamy to the ground. Drazaleamy quickly shakes it off and takes back off to the skies.

Odette: This might be life or death, Cactmy.

Bunpopmy returns to the intersection and screams at Cole to keep him pinned down. Ember pulls back to catch her breath.

Cactmy: I can help fight her but not when she’s up there. She ain’t coming down.

Odette: Okay new plan. Cactmy, can you restrain Cole?

Cactmy: Yup!

Bunpopmy stops her assault. Cactmy quickly embraces Cole. Cole lets out an anguished scream.

Cactmy: Mind the spikes, hun. Haha!

Ember: Bunpopmy, aim up.

Bunpopmy starts unleashing bursts of sonic blasts from her speakers up to the sky, but Drazaleamy is deftly dodging them.

Virusmy: I’d fly up there but I’m too slow to catch her.

Warpmy: What if you dropped from a portal?

Odette: She’s too light, she’d just float down slowly.

Kane: Maybe I could?

Virusmy: Are you sure about that Kane?

Kane: No…

Odette: I’ll catch you with a second portal if we miss. Warpmy can drop you and I’ll be on safety net duty.

Cole manages to break an arm free and starts to repeatedly stab Cactmy in the shoulder.

Cole: You leave her alone!

Cactmy slaps her hand over Cole’s mouth

Cactmy: That’s enough outta you

Ember: It’s a good plan, let’s do it. Bunpopmy, let’s try to steer her towards the bank.

Ember unleashes her sonic scream attack again. Bunpopmy and Ember coordinate their pulses to herd Drazaleamy towards the East.

A portal opens up above Drazaleamy

Cactmy pulls her hand back and lets go of Cole. Her arm is on fire. She drops to the ground and rolls. Cole looks up at Drazaleamy, then at Warpmy who is opening up another portal.

Cole: No you fucking don’t!

Cole flies towards Warpmy and just before he collides with her, his wings instantly vanish, dissolving into pixels. It looks very painful. Cole lands on the ground and Virusmy floats down to grab onto his head.

Cole: What the fuck did you do to me? (wailing)

Virusmy: I deleted your wings. No more flying for you.

Cole: You piece of shit!

Cole starts flailing around , attempting to grab at Virusmy holding onto his hair.

Kane: Nice, Virusmy!

Warpmy: Go!

Kane: Right!

Kane jumps in the portal and lands directly on top of Drazaleamy, knocking her out of the sky. Kane bounces off of her and continues to fall. Another portal opens and Kane disappears into it.

Kane and Odette emerge from a bush. Ember and Bunpopmy are blasting Drazaleamy to pin her down. Cole grabs hold of Virusmy and throws her to the ground.

Kane lobs a cluster of pixelated energy at Cole, slamming him into the wall of the bank. Cole immediately breathes fire towards Kane.

Cactmy jumps in the way of the fire and is engulfed entirely. The area is filled with smoke.

Catherine's Profile Picture

I feel sick

The smoke settles slightly and Cactmy is nowhere to be seen. Cole looks stunned

Kane: You bastard!

Kane approaches Cole and punches him in the face.

Cole punches Kane in the stomach and slashes at his chest with his claws. Both are bleeding.

Virusmy: Stop!

Kane punches Cole again.

Cole slashes at Kane’s face, leaving large bloody wounds. Kane loses his balance and falls back.

Odette: Fuck this!

A portal appears behind Cole. Virusmy tackles Cole and pushes him into it. He disappears.

Ember catches her breath, nearly collapsing. Drazaleamy manages to shoot a stream of flame out of the sonic blast, hitting Bunpopmy, who stops her attack.

Drazaleamy leaps on top of Bunpopmy and starts slashing at her throat over and over.

Ember: Get off of her!

Ember starts screaming and punching Drazaleamy, but she doesn’t stop.

Virusmy: Where’d you send him?

Odette: Just down the road. He’ll be back any second. We’re too low on MP. We can’t do anything else.

Kane slowly starts to get up. Virusmy starts to fly to him but Odette stops her.

Odette: I have first aid training. You can fight.

Odette and Warpmy slowly hobble towards Kane.

Virusmy flies over to Drazaleamy and bites her wing, causing it to start dissolving into pixels.
Drazaleamy stops attacking and screams in pain, falling over.

Ember: Bunpopmy speak to me

Bunpopmy’s wounds spurt blood

Ember: You’ll be okay. We’re okay.

Ember hugs Bunpopmy.

Drazaleamy is thrashing around the intersection trying to get Virusmy off of her. Virusmy continues to leave glowing green bite marks throughout Drazaleamy’s wings.

Cole limps his way back to the intersection.

Cole: Drazaleamy! Fire!

Drazaleamy nods and starts spewing fire all around herself, catching Virusmy in the flames.
Virusmy falls off of her and slaps away the fire that caught on her.

Cole: I didn’t want to fight you guys. (heavy breath) I really didn’t. But clearly I’m better at this than you are. This is your last chance now.

Odette looks back at Ember and winks.

A portal opens behind Drazaleamy. Another opens in front of Ember.

Ember pulls a large knife out of her boot before stepping through the portal

Cole: What was-

Ember slashes the back of Drazaleamy’s neck then falls back through the portal to safety.

Virusmy floats back up and bites on to Drazaleamy’s face, holding on tight with her hands.

Cole grabs Virusmy and sinks his claws into her. She screams.

Kane punches Cole in the face again. He loses his grip on Virusmy, who then latches on to Kane’s back.

Bunpopmy gets up and kicks Cole in the groin. Both Cole and Drazaleamy wince for a moment.
Ember slashes at Drazaleamy again. Another portal opens up behind Drazaleamy and Warpmy comes out of it holding a plastic bag.

Warpmy holds the plastic bag over Drazaleamy’s head. Ember screams at Drazaleamy, pinning her down again.

Cole is stunned and silent. He starts to grasp at his throat.

Drazaleamy starts to slow down.

Drazaleamy stops resisting.

Drazaleamy collapses to the ground. Warpmy pulls the bag off of her head. Cole suddenly breathes in deeply.

Ember stands above Drazaleamy’s unconscious body.

Ember: Last chance, Cole.

Cole: You (heavy breath) suffocated (heavy breath) us

Odette: You could breathe the whole time, you just didn’t feel like you could. Pacts are a double edged sword.

Cole: I’ll fucking kill you.

Cole extends a blade from his arm and lunges towards Odette. Just as the blade is about to collide, it vanishes. Cole collapses to the ground. Ember has planted her knife in Drazaleamy’s head.

Drazaleamy’s body fades away into nothing.

Cole: Y-you k-killed her

Ember: It had to be done.

Cole: I-I’m not dead though… I thought….

Cole coughs up blood.

Odette: The monomaster doesn’t die when the Monommy does. That’s the other way around.

Ember: She’ll reincarnate.

Cole curls up into the fetal position.

Ember: I’m sorry Cole but you’ve gone way too far. Kane can you call 911?

Cole: I’m sorry Cathy… I’m sorry mom… I’m ssor- (cough)

Kane: Is that a good idea?

Ember: We’ll tell them he’s been neutralized.

Virusmy floats down to Cole

Odette: You know they’d just kill him, right? What would they do to us? We should leave

Virusmy touches Cole’s neck

Ember: Well we can’t just leave him here unattended to

Virusmy: Guys.

Ember and Odette: What?

Virusmy: The pact was keeping him alive.

Ceasing communication with TSS-7

I’m sorry, I should have ended the feed earlier than I did. I’ll be in touch later. I know you don’t trust this, but I’m an ally. Soon I hope to make that clear.

Mienmy's profile picture

I don’t know what to say.

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