#120 – Xmy

#119 - Orcharmy
#121 - Hatchmy
Xmy, Monommy #120, a mother class radical-type
Xmy, the “X factor” Monommy

#105 – Xmy

It should have been me


Toastmy's profile picture

As soon as that last message sent from our mystery contact, Glenn was in hysterics. I’ve never seen him cry so much. I wish my arms were longer so I could hold him tighter. How are the rest of you holding up?

Virusmy's profile picture

I don’t like that they used my profile for that. I don’t even understand how they did it, but I have a theory… I just don’t like it v.v

Virusmy's profile picture

Kane seems okay but I keep noticing him staring off into space. I’m not sure what that means.

Mienmy's profile picture

Catherine’s mom and I have been trying to console her as best we can, but she’s only stopped crying when she’s asleep… I don’t want to leave her alone but she keeps snapping at me when I try to be near her. We aren’t sure what to do, I don’t think humans deal with death the same way we do.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Well Ember is staying at Od’s place right now so I’m alone and I’m unsure how I can help her. I’m trying to do what I can from over here but I’m not sure what else to do. Ember is really messed up from what happened with Cole…

Warpmy's profile picture

They all are, but… well, Ember was the one who dealt the finishing blow on Drazaleamy… But there’s no way she could’ve known that Cole would die from it. I hope she isn’t blaming herself for his death.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

I can feel her heavy heart. She’s definitely blaming herself. We’ve taken down other monomasters before but it was never fatal. It was always in self defense of course. I don’t know what to do about it all… Ember and I have never really gotten along well. And now I know that she regrets pacting with me. It hurts to know that but I still want to support her.

Warpmy's profile picture

You don’t know that. You two just hit a snag in your friendship, it happens. I argue with Od all the time. By the way, she’s alright. Od and Ember have been cozying up together the last couple days.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

No, I literally heard her thoughts the other day. We’re very different people so I don’t blame her but I can tell she has some deep seated issues about her femininity and now she’s permanently connected with me and I’m about as feminine as it gets. I wonder if it’s jealousy or shame. I couldn’t tell…

Virusmy's profile picture

You heard her thoughts? Like the weird group telepathy thing the humans keep talking about?

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Maybe, I don’t know for sure. They’re always saying they hear a bunch of voices at once, right? But this was only Ember’s thoughts.

Toastmy's profile picture

I’ve had similar experiences with Glenn.

Have any of you noticed that sometimes it looks like humans are talking, but their mouths aren’t moving? It’s like it’s becoming second nature.

Just yesterday Glenn did his usual pose where he puts his hands on his hips and declares “It’s clean up time!” to the girls to get them to put their toys away before dinner, but this time he didn’t say anything. The girls just started cleaning up.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Did you hear any of their thoughts while it happened?

Toastmy's profile picture

Only Glenn, and it was about… something else. A memory.

Virusmy's profile picture

Hmmm… That sounds like a data leak of some kind. I’ll have to test this myself later if Kane’s okay with it, but it sounds like when a human has that group telepathy phenomenon happening, it lets memories leak out, and since we’re connected in so many ways thanks to the pact, we see our human partner’s memories.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Now that you mention it, it didn’t seem like Ember was telling me she regretted our pact, it felt more like she was thinking back on having regretted it before. It must have been a memory.

Warpmy's profile picture

Maybe she used to, but doesn’t now?

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Sure. Let’s be optimistic.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Uh guys I have something to share. So I’ve been trying to do Ember’s omnimaster research for her while she’s gone so she doesn’t have to worry about it. While doing that, I found this message sent to Ember’s old podcast email.


It has come to our attention that your organization has had much success in controlling and neutralizing anomalous threats. We also believe that you have been seeking answers to questions surrounding Twin Star’s involvement with anomalous activity, and that you may be seeking an individual that we ourselves have been searching for as well. We believe it would be to the benefit of all involved if your organization were to ally itself with Twin Star Contingency Research. Working together, we can achieve great things.

Your expertise and experience combined with our research and resources would be quite the force to be reckoned with, and I personally believe that together we can locate the individual in question. I believe the rogue agent you neutralized referred to this individual as The Chosen One, although we have been using the term catalyst to refer to them.

Regardless of terminology, it would be a great boon to us all if we work together. I eagerly await your response. Rest assured no matter how you choose to contact me, I will personally be in touch. Do the right thing and make the first move.

Dr. Cherise Caulfield, Twin Star Chief Executive Officer.”

Warpmy's profile picture

Reply with this: We reject your offer. Do not contact us again.

Bunpopmy's profile picture


Virusmy's profile picture

Should we have asked the humans first? I don’t know if we should make choices without them

Warpmy's profile picture

No, the humans don’t even need to see that. They’re dealing with enough as it is, and it’s not like Twin Star is going to really help. Why should we believe them after everything they’ve done?

Virusmy's profile picture

You’re right, I just don’t like doing things behind Kane’s back…

Warpmy's profile picture

You can tell him if you want, I just think they need to focus on emotionally healing. Humans are much more sensitive to this kind of thing.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Of course they are, they don’t reincarnate.

Mienmy's profile picture

We don’t either, really.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Yes you do! You’ll be reborn when you die someday, from the Drop that was most loved. You know that.

Mienmy's profile picture

I don’t really consider it reincarnation for Mom class and Mama class. It’s more like I’m being replaced. The Mienmy that is me dies but another new Mienmy is born. It’s different for you Mommy class Monommy.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Oh, I’d never thought of it like that before. What’s it like to lose all your memories and start over?

Mienmy's profile picture

I don’t know. I don’t remember.

Virusmy's profile picture

Sometimes I wonder if I can reincarnate at all. I’m not a normal Monommy like you guys…

Toastmy's profile picture

Amalchemy gave you life, so you’re a full fledged Monommy as far as I’m concerned. You’ll reincarnate when you die.

Mienmy's profile picture

Yeah, but you won’t remember this life when you do.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

I never thought about how scary it must be to live with the constant worry that you’ll cease to be some day… I’m so sorry you have to live like that

Mienmy's profile picture

You get used to it. At least we know our lives are special this way. We gotta live while we can, you know?

Toastmy's profile picture

I wouldn’t want to have immortal memories, I was much happier when I had forgotten my past life.

Warpmy's profile picture

When you had forgotten? Did you remember somehow?

Toastmy's profile picture

I didn’t remember. Glenn did. It turns out that he’s been keeping a secret from me all of this time.

Virusmy's profile picture

Glenn doesn’t seem the type to keep secrets, I’m shocked.

Toastmy's profile picture

I think he wanted to protect me. I don’t want to keep secrets though, so I’ll wait for the humans to be online again.

I hope the rest of you are remembering to care for yourselves too. You don’t have to force yourself to be strong for them.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Thank you for the reminder, Toastmy. I could use a hug if I’m being honest…

Warpmy's profile picture

I’ll be right over 🙂

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