#121 – Hatchmy

#120 - Xmy
#122 - Magmy
Hatchmy, Monommy #121, a mom class comfy-type
Hatchmy, the “hatchery” Monommy

#106 – Hatchmy


It’s me again. Sorry to intrude. We wanted to let you all know that Twin Star has ordered all world governments to seek out the catalyst. I hope you know what you’re doing by refusing to work with them.

I’ll keep you updated.

Od's Profile Picture

Warpmy I understand why you wanted to refuse the offer right away but let’s try to not forget that Twin Star has Bestiemy, which means they have ChronoKinmy’s Drop. We kinda need that for the omnimaster to summon the grand mother.

Warpmy's profile picture

After everything they’ve done, you seriously want to work with them?

Od's Profile Picture

Fuck no. Of course I don’t. But clearly we’re at a stage where we need to consider the bigger picture over our experiences and feelings.

Kane's Profile Picture

I hate Twin Star. They’re evil as far as I’m concerned. But ChronoKinmy warned us for a reason, and every time my MM updates, my heart stops. I’m so sick of checking it in fear every day, worried that CosmoKinmy will be the next entry. The guide just keeps getting worse and worse, too. It stopped showing entries a while back. It’s scaring me. We’ve been at this for months and we’re not any closer to the other Grand Drops or the omnimaster.

Virusmy's profile picture

I can’t even see the code in his Monommy Machine anymore. And I see code everywhere.

Warpmy's profile picture

I’m sorry, I just thought it was the right thing to do.

Od's Profile Picture

At this point the only right thing to do is what ChronoKinmy told us. What’s our status on finding monomasters?

Ember's Profile Picture

We’ve found over 40 and confirmed 38 of those. I’ve been talking with Kai, one of the monomasters we met in Washington, and he said something about being good with finding people so I’ve got him searching now too. We’re officially outsourcing.

Bunpopmy's profile picture

Do we know if we can trust Kai? I don’t want another Cole situation.

Catherine's Profile Picture

If we were there for Cole that wouldn’t have happened. He wasn’t a bad person.

Warpmy's profile picture

Catherine he killed hundreds of people. I know you liked him but come on

Catherine's Profile Picture

He was hurt. He needed help. We could have been better for him

Ember's Profile Picture

It’s not our job to heal broken people

Catherine's Profile Picture

If he’s broken then so am I. Fuck you


Catherine has left the chat

Ember's Profile Picture

Is she seriously trying to fucking justify what that monster did?

Mienmy's profile picture

See this? This is what we’ve been dealing with all week. I’m gonna go try to talk sense into her… again.

Kane's Profile Picture

Let’s not refer to him as a monster. What he did was horrible but he’s a person.

Ember's Profile Picture

What he did made him a fucking monster

Kane's Profile Picture

Calling him a monster won’t make us not murderers, Ember.

Ember's Profile Picture

We’re not murderers. He was. We stopped him from continuing to kill.

Kane's Profile Picture

All I meant is that he was human. He was dangerous and he needed to be stopped. But he was human. I understood his anger… He was wrong to do what he did but I understood it to an extent. He was human. We all are.

Ember's Profile Picture

He was claiming he wasn’t.

Kane's Profile Picture

But he was. Look, we’re all disgusted with what we had to do. But we had to do it. We did it.

Ember's Profile Picture

I fucking know that you don’t have to rub the word murderer in my face

Kane's Profile Picture

You’re right, I’m sorry.

Toastmy's profile picture

I uh… I have something I wanted to share with everybody if that’s okay. It might be good news…

Od's Profile Picture

Yes please do, anything but this conversation please

Toastmy's profile picture

I mentioned this briefly to just the Monommy the other day, but for the humans, I recently had some sort of psychic link with Glenn, and I saw into his memories. We’ve all been seeing our human partner’s memories in psychic visions recently, actually.

Od's Profile Picture

More weird telepathic projections? I don’t think Warpmy and I have experienced that.

Warpmy's profile picture

We have, actually. It must be a one-way beaming of memories from the human to the Monommy’s mind.

Od's Profile Picture

When did this happen?

Warpmy's profile picture

It happens every time you start freaking out about the voices.

Od's Profile Picture

So we send memories to our Monommy partners when the thought storm happens. That’s going to be impossible to prevent, it’s already so hard to think on my own when I’m hearing hundreds of peoples’ thoughts at once.

Virusmy's profile picture

Hundreds? I thought you just heard a couple

Od's Profile Picture

It gets louder and more crowded every time.

Kane's Profile Picture

Last time I heard other languages, too. But I understood them. I don’t know how to explain it how I understood, but I did.

Bunpopmy's profile picture


Toastmy's profile picture

So Glenn’s memories projected into my mind the last time it happened and I saw a memory of Glenn holding my Drop. It was dark, and I heard screaming. He was looking down at my Drop, and it was asleep. He was petting it and saying everything was going to be okay. When he looked up, I could see nothing but flames, and a long tendril reaching up to the sky. It had sharp blades at the end of it and it was writhing around like a tongue. Glenn put my Drop in his jacket pocket and ran towards the tendril. When he got to the creature he saw that it looked almost like a Monommy, but it was different. It looked like someone had mangled a Monommy’s body and tied its own tongue around its body. It was awful.

Kane's Profile Picture

That sounds like one of the Chaos-types. Lashmy. Glenn survived an encounter with it?

Toastmy's profile picture

If that’s what a Chaos-type looks like, I’m glad we can’t see them. I guess we can see them through our partner’s memories. Anyways, Glenn saw that in Lashmy’s swirling tangled mess of tongue, that someone was struggling to break free. A woman, I don’t know her name, but in the memory I could sense that she was important to Glenn. He reached into his satchel and pulled out a camping knife before running head first into Lashmy. The next bit was sort of hazy but I remember it was hot and fast and violent and bloody. Glenn managed to cut the woman free from Lashmy’s attack. Lashmy scrambled away into the darker part of the woods. Glenn looked at her face and saw that her eyes were glazed over and… hollow. He started to weep before looking up in panic and seeing a man lying on the ground not far from the woman. He ran over to the man and saw his chest slowly rising and falling.

Ember's Profile Picture

That sounds horrible

Glenn's Profile Picture

It was. It’s my memory, Toastmy, I can take the wheel from here.

Toastmy's profile picture

Thank you

Glenn's Profile Picture

I saw her little hands trembling as she typed and I knew she was telling the story.

Glenn's Profile Picture

Well, the long and short of it was that I couldn’t stop the monster from taking the life of my closest and best friend Mabel. God rest her soul. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss her with all my heart. That day changed me. Her husband Blake didn’t make it either. He was a good man and a great friend and a terrific father. I try to live up to him as best I can, but nothing I do will ever match how much he loved his daughter.

He was torn up something fierce from that beast’s attack. The sight of his body cut open in so many places is something I wish I could erase from my mind. As he laid there bleeding out, he asked me to take care of his little girl since he failed. The man protects his family from a monster with his own life and he still thinks he failed. It rips me up inside… Once Blake departed this world for the next, I broke down crying… I’m man enough to admit I cried good and hard. I’ll never forget the feeling of the smoke and ash mixed with my tears.

I saw Maia on the side of the road and I picked her up and kept her from seeing what happened as best as I could. Called the police fire and ambulance and stayed with her at the hospital. She just had a little scratch but I was determined to keep her safe. The first thing the little trooper asked when we got there was if Dana would be there. God bless their friendship. When the doctors were examining her, I felt a weird little kick in my jacket pocket. I looked inside and saw a little pointy eared woman! I was very surprised… I think about that night a lot. My life changed so much in one evening.

Toastmy's profile picture

It was a big change. You lost two friends but gained a Monommy partner and a daughter. And your daughter’s Monommy of course

Od's Profile Picture

So Toastmy’s amnesia was just the normal reset of her memories when she reincarnated. She was Blake’s pact partner before.

Toastmy's profile picture

Yup. I did some looking around and it turns out Hatchmy died in that accident too – her old pact partner was Mabel. Their whole family were monomasters. Even Maia, we’d find out later…

Ember's Profile Picture

I had no idea that was why you were adopting Maia. Glenn you always seem so chipper are you okay? This is a lot of trauma and we had no idea you were going through all of this

Glenn's Profile Picture

Therapy can do wonders… I struggle with PTSD every day. It isn’t easy but I have a lot of support in my life. I have my loving family, you kids, Toastmy, my therapists, even Rozermy and Icezermy lend their support in their own way.

Ember's Profile Picture

Rozermy?? You know Rozermy? Of all the Monommy to know personally that’s insane she’s like the mascot of the whole franchise.

Ember's Profile Picture

Wait I just realized, ICEZERMY too? That one’s real? I had just assumed with all the vandalizing of the guide site that she was some kid’s recolor OC but if she’s in the real world she must be real

Glenn's Profile Picture

Of course I know Rozermy and Icezermy! Maia’s a monomaster too, they’re her pact partners

Kane's Profile Picture


Od's Profile Picture

Are you serious??

Ember's Profile Picture

Glenn I need you to focus here. Be very, very clear with me. Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE that Maia is PACTED with TWO Monommy?

Glenn's Profile Picture

I’m positive as a plum! She’s always running around using both of their powers. It’s a good thing I have Toastmy’s fire to balance out all the ice and thorns.

Ember's Profile Picture

Holy shit Glenn

Virusmy's profile picture


Toastmy's profile picture

…would you be mad if I told you I knew that?

Ember's Profile Picture

Yes I wwould oh god the voices againn

Od's Profile Picture

I can hear

my dad

I can hear you Ember

it’s happening again

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