#122 – Magmy

#121 - Hatchmy
#123 - Psidermy
Magmy, Monommy #122, a mommy class elemental-type
Magmy, the “magnetism” Monommy

its happening again

Anthony I can hear your voice please are you safe

Catherine I know it hurts but I’m here. I want to support you in any way I can sweetheart

I will call you Odette. No matter what you’ll always be my son

why are Rozermy and Icezermy not playing with me?

im glad i cut my parents out

im sorry, i had no idea how much it hurt. now i can feel it

I don’t hear mine either, Kane. I’m sorry buddy….

if i didn’t feel your thoughts i wouldnt believe you. its been so long

that voice is so familiar… Mason Cobb, isn’t it? why should Odette believe you? Twin Star is compromised and you’re still in it

I’m used to being on the run. I’ll contact you soon dad. I think we’ll need Twin Star’s help

if you hurt Od again I’ll end y


i need to practice fireballs again I need to protect my babies

why are so many worlds in a crisis when i enter them

already? its only been a few days

i don’t understand this phase he’s going through


i wish she’s understand i’m only trying to protect her…

oh god no thats mom

Od… Ember… Catherine… you all hear your parents? why dont I

Odette, im sorry. but this is urgent. i don’t know how else to contact you so this will have to be it. Twin Star saw you on their security systems. You need to leave home as soon as possible, I know they’ve identified you

i wish mama toastmy would stop hugging me so much. why is she crying?

Doctor Lane? I thought you died. I know Twin Star is compromised. It always has been. It’s that creature Caulfield is always with

Ember… I still

can i convince her to order pizza i dont want roast today

my name is Odette youll call me Odette

I hope they don’t reject me when they find out who I am. I know its inevitable

i miss Sky Hills

why does dad let Maia be a monomaster but not me

i’m your daughter not your son. even now you cant feel how much that hurts for you to say?

ember is that you?

i miss him so much why did this happen why did my friends do this to us

Kane… Mr.Clive… if my theories are accurate, only living humans experience the collective consciousness. Im sorry

honey I know how much it hurts. I miss your dad every day. it hurts but we have to live on, for their sake’s

Oh hell yeah is that the same Kane and Odette from Heavensview? It’s Kai!

Twin Star won’t help you, but I have a plan. I feel it fading please conta

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