#123 – Psidermy

#122 - Magmy
#124 - CosmoKinmy
Psidermy, Monommy #123, a mom class arcane-type
Psider, the “psion spider” Monommy

#108 – Psidermy


I could hear you guys that time. You probably heard me. I think I heard my mom too… She sounds so scared.

And unfortunately, she should be. We all should. Our latest reading from TSS-9 has shown movement, and a lot of it. It looks almost like a human arm but its huge. It’s behind the moon, you might be able to see the fingers with a telescope, but I strongly advise against looking at it that way. Avoid anything analog when it comes to looking at non-Monommy anomalies.

I don’t have access to Kane’s MM anymore so please let me know when it updates. I’m terrified to see that CosmoKinmy entry.

We promise we’ll reveal our identities soon. You have every right to be suspicious. I’ll be in touch.

Warpmy's profile picture

The frequency of huge anomalies like that is starting to worry me too. CosmoKinmy must be getting tired… Even the Grands have limits

Bunpopmy's profile picture

CosmoKinmy is a valiant warrior. She won’t give up till her last breath.


From the desk of Dr. Cherise Caulfield, CEO and director of Twin Star Contingency Research. The following is an official announcement from Twin Star, and from myself personally. It is to be understood as fact, even after its potential removal from the internet. This message will be spread, as all good things do, to every device capable of displaying it, be it personal computers, cellular devices, video game consoles, televisions, radios, devices not connected to the internet, devices incapable of connecting to the internet, certain reflective surfaces, and the sky above Boston Massachusetts, where many of us first witnessed the emergence.

The time for secrecy and withholding of information has long passed. Many of you have asked us at Twin Star a lot of questions, especially since the second spacetime lesion. Yes, what the public was lead to believe is not true. The sky wound over Boston was not the first of its kind. We at Twin Star have been lying to you in an attempt to retain our control over the world’s governments. Yes, the conspiracy theories were true after all. Even Twin Star employees were unaware of this. Twin Star is not a branch of the United States government, nor is it associated with any government on Earth. You all individually knew this. You all even questioned it. Yet, mysteriously, nothing ever came to light. 4 years ago, Twin Star was formed. I personally saw to it that Twin Star would meet with as many world leaders as possible. It was somewhat easy, actually. The more inquisitive of you thought it strange that a private business, one as vaguely defined as a “Contingency Research” corporation no less, was seeming to break laws left and right, almost as if they were above the law. I am happy to reveal to you all now, that we at Twin Star ARE above the law. Baffling that a company can manifest itself out of thin air, then rise in power until the entire world does whatever it says. All in less than a year no less. Well, it’s beyond time I’ve told you all how exactly that happened.

I had a secret weapon up my sleeve, so to speak. So long as you hear my voice, so long as you see my eyes, you will give me whatever I want.

Sounds outlandish, doesn’t it? Even before Monommy started to appear, before humans were able to gain these supernatural abilities. I was the only one on Earth with this ability.

I had always gazed up at the stars, you see. Talking to them as if they could hear me, I’d spill my every hope and worry out to them. Many like me have in the past. But none have been lucky enough as I was. I didn’t know it at the time, but one of those spilled hopes – a wish – happened to echo out through the cosmos, until it hit just the right spot. A tiny spot, no larger than a few molecules. An astronomically small chance. We didn’t even know conscious thought was measurable – like a wavelength of light – until much later. But it has always been. The planet Earth, home to billions upon billions of conscious lifeforms, is always calling out to the void.

But that night, when I wished upon that empty patch of space, that dark star, the void called back to me.

I knew not its name, but an entity called to me from the other side of that patch of space. On the other side of the dark star. I thought perhaps my beliefs were wrong, that what I was seeing was the devil. But it reassured me, it was not. It was god. I was very lucky. I was blessed. It offered me anything. So I asked for anything. The power to have whatever I wished. And god said to me, that I need only to allow this power to spread in exchange. A win-win scenario. So I agreed, and never heard from god again.

Using my power, I worked my way up, I made friends very easily. Then those friends became my employees. Then I met some powerful people. The interesting thing about powerful people, is that if they like you enough, you own their power. Rinse and repeat and the next thing I know, I’m at the oval office, telling the president exactly what I think about military spending. And he agrees. Of course he does. Everyone does. The only reason you, yourself, may not agree with me, is that we aren’t in the same room. A small limitation. I never let my limits define me. The day I realized this limitation, I realized something else: the god who had given me this power and left… Maybe it was testing me. And if it was testing me, then maybe if I failed this test, the power would be taken away from me. I couldn’t have that. So I formulated a plan.

I’d keep all information locked away as best I could, because I knew that this god, although perhaps omnipotent, was not omniscient. It required my thoughts directed at it to communicate with me. This meant that I could withhold information. Information is power. Naturally, to defeat a god, I’d have to research it without it realizing that I was doing precisely that. All my power and influence had a purpose: in case things went awry, a contingency plan to remove god from the picture. So I pooled the world’s resources – my resources – into studying that anomalous patch of space. Eventually we learned it was a tiny tear in the fabric of spacetime, through which this god was gazing through from the other side.

We learned much more from it, and Twin Star’s influence grew further and further. It outgrew even myself, if I’m being honest. But it was necessary. We had to match everything we knew the dark star could do, we had to be its twin.

Of course, I had to prevent knowledge of the dark star from becoming public by any means. Anybody with knowledge on it or how it works could have made another wish. If I wanted absolute power, nobody else could know about it. So each underling beneath me only knew tiny fractions of the full picture. Only I knew it all. Until now, that is.

I began to panic when one day during a routine status check on dark star, I saw that it had grown in size. At first the new size of dark star seemed to be roughly that of our moon. I quickly wrote down my findings, but was distracted by something that was somehow even more curious: the creature that oozed forth from the telescope I used to observe dark star. It was the first anomalous lifeform. It was playful, and gentle. It would smile at me. Its form was somewhat grotesque, but in other ways cute. Eventually it learned to mimic my speech, and I could have full conversations with it. I kept it from everyone. She was my special little friend. Although my power didn’t seem to work on her, she made me feel at ease. Maybe I had forgotten what a real friend felt like.

But later the same day I saw that the notes I had personally written down had changed themselves. I ran test after test but they all came back the same. The dark star was now the exact size and shape of the planet Earth. Thankfully it was still billions of lightyears away, but the scale of it worried me. It would be easier to wish upon now.

But that worry was soon dashed to the side. With all of this power, I needed to do something. The sky over Boston slashed itself open, revealing a massive gory wound on the other side. Impossible, but its frequencies and wavelengths matched everything we’d researched up to that point. We sent crews to do something about it, and that’s when we met our first Monommy – Guardiamy.

I won’t bore you with the details. I know that the documents for FIREFIGHT were leaked. I didn’t think a Monommy would ally itself with a human – let alone the son of one of my employees. Bad luck. I didn’t even know what Monommy was when they started to appear. When I returned to my home, I was shocked to see that my anomaly friend had changed. She now appeared more cartoon like, and somehow a little more human. She had a gentle smile and a head sporting beautiful white hair. She looked almost like she could be related to Guardiamy. That’s when she gave me the idea to use its power. I didn’t know what a Monommy was yet, or why they were here, but I did know that it had to be that god’s doing.

It turns out that a lot of you have communicated with that god now. We went a long time without speaking, them and I, or at least that’s what I had assumed. I didn’t know it at the time, but my little friend, who traveled with me everywhere, whispering her advice and words of encouragement into my ear, tucked away in my jacket’s hood or riding along my shoulder, was but one form of that god. It turns out that the god hadn’t abandoned me at all. They were with me all along.

Many of you now worship an entity that has recently revealed its name to be Reklauzolth.

They have been seeking the wishmaker. You see, that night, when I made my wish, I sealed a contract with Reklauzolth. I didn’t understand it at the time, but I do now. It was an exchange. Power for growth. They even knew I had planned to overthrow it with my own influence, but knew I posed them no threat. Abomimy told me herself. Reklauzolth told me themself.

So, my story is now known. Abomimy has been guiding me so well all this time, I know I can trust her, just as you all can trust me.

I know now the error of my ways. I received a gift, and I should be thankful for it. I need to uphold my end of the agreement. Abomimy has ensured me that the world will be perfectly safe, so long as Reklauzolth is delivered the wishmaker.

Well, I am the wishmaker. Twin Star is the result of her wish to the god that waits behind the dark star, Reklauzolth.

Yes, the same wishmaker you’ve all heard so much about. The one we‘re all clamoring to find. Some of you have been calling them the “omnimaster”, others “the chosen one”. Here at Twin Star we referred to it as the “catalyst”. But it doesn’t matter what it’s called now, because the wishmaker’s name is Cherise Caulfield.

I am the wishmaker.

And this is my public declaration to all the “enlightened“, the followers of Reklauzolth, and the world. To Reklauzolth, I offer myself, to secure the world‘s safety. I‘m so tired of fighting it. I give in, fully. I embrace Abomimy as my beloved friend, and Reklauzolth may take me. Reklauzolth is my life. Reklauzolth is my world. Reklauzolth is me.

Cherise is done fighting now. 🙂

Cherise is with Reklauzolth now. 🙂

You can be with Reklauzolth too. 🙂

You will be with us.

You will be us.








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