#136 – Saviourmy

#135 - Excruciamy
#137 - Ascensmy
Saviourmy, Monommy #136, a mother class elemental-type
Saviourmy, the “saviour” Monommy

Chapter 136: Wounded

Reklauzolth Sigil

In the deepest recesses of outer space, the vacuum of the cosmic void pulled and contorted as spacetime continued to fracture and tear, turning from nothingness into flesh and skin, muscle and bone, brain and mind.

So much empty space, now granted the beauty of unending life.

It had created life.

All life.

Although it was not there from the beginning, to all the creatures of the universe, it might as well have been. Gazing through the hole humanity called the dark star, peering into the lifeless universe. Slowly but surely spreading its influence, creating life on various planets.

Now, after billions of years, it was time to do away with that empty cosmic void.

The planet Earth was a favourite of the god, as through it, it had developed the greatest of its children: homo sapiens.

It was overjoyed to have such intelligent creatures as part of its body, so it focused its efforts on the planet Earth, granting life to each and every soul.

Although none of them would remember, it did create them. It created life.

And it created life for a purpose.

To grant a wish.

A wish it believed all souls had.

A wish, for life.

As a god of life, it could easily grant this. And as the species of Earth began to evolve and some eventually became homo sapiens, they slowly but surely gained true sapience.

Which presented itself an opportunity for the god: second wishes, the power of which would pull the dark star wider, and allow for the god’s influence to spread more and more. It would no longer have to gaze through the dark star.

Unfortunately, the first to make a second wish used the power that was lent her to hide the dark star from the rest of humanity. It was lucky for the god that the wish of a child made its way through the dark star, for now it could begin to spread life, to spread itself, at a much more rapid pace.

A wish to change the world.

“I wish Monommy was real.”

In exchange for this wish, a wish that created magic, but limited it to a small area of the Earth where the child lived, was easily granted, and due to its potency, allowed for the god of life to have more influence than ever.

 No longer did it simply need to create basic life. Now, it was free to create more. It could create things that influenced the world for it. Extensions of itself, much like humanity, but greater. More alive than ever before. Monommy, yes, it still had to grant the wish, but also parts of itself.

Soon, all of the life that the god had let the beings of the universe borrow would unite, and life would fill the universe.

No longer would that sickening thing, death, exist. Through endless, torturous life, the natural state of this universe the god of life had discovered would come to an end.

Death would be cured forever.

All life would be united.

A glorious union of life, overtaking the cosmos.

Becoming as one.

Becoming a god.

Becoming Reklauzolth.

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